odY profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My Interests

wAtChiNg tV & mOviEs,fAshiOn trEndS,mALLing,sUrFiNg d nEt,chAtTing,tExTiNg,sOuNdtRiPpiNg,shOpPiNg & hAng-Out wiTh mY friEndS

I'd like to meet:


kiM aH jOoNg-sTaR(bYuL)
(200 pOuNds bEaUtY oST)


sErEndipitY,cRueL intEntiOnS,hE wAs coOL,tHe bEaSt & tHe bEaUtY (kOrEaN),wiNdsTrUck,200 pOundS bEaUtY,26 yEarS diArY,nEvEr bEEn kiSsEd,EvEr AftEr,tHe hOt cHiCk,wHiTe cHiCkS,jAwbReAkEr,sO cLOsE,nAkEd wEaPoN,jUsT mY LUck,tHe fAst & tHe fUriOuS tOkYo dRiFt & mEaN giRLs


tHe victOriA's sEcreT fAsHiOn sHow.dAvid bLAinE (strEEt mAgiC),aMeRicA'S nExT tOp mOdEL,nAtiOnAL gEogRapHic,tHe siMpLe LifE,fEar fActor & myx

My Blog

" biggEsT pArT "

" biggEsT pArT " I may not be serious As you see in my actions& I may not say& I love you! As you expect me to say& You may not feel my gentle touch The way I hold you& You may not he...
Posted by odY on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST