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About Me

I'm a 49 Year old Cuban American living in the beautiful sunshine state. But I am not an average person, no, in fact I'm very special. I am handicapped. What most people take for granted on a daily bases can be a huge challenge for me. Things like walking. For example, I have to use crutches. To add to that I Have a little speech problem, But when people get use to my voice they got no problem in understand me. I also need help on basic tasks like putting on my shoes, socks, and so on. I have been trough allot in my life time. Since the moment of my birth. But I'm a fighter here. From not Talking, Walking, Sitting or even not lifting my head up. Until today that I drive my own van go places alone I do almost everything that a normal person can do. Except I need help putting my shoes in the morning. I'm a happy person I love the way I'm I have no complain what so ever. I have won many battles in my life time. The only one that I haven't won yet is having women of my own. And having the story of my life made as a movie or something. But like I always say I never say never. Money isn't everything but it does help a little sometime. I don't believe in Materialist people. Because all what it will remain at the end is love toward one another. Here are my favorite quotes "Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself" "Don't try to be somebody else just be yourself all the time" "To love somebody else you most love yourself first" "Peace on earth and good will to all man kind" But I think of my self as an optimistic, lucky human being! I think I was made this way for a reason, I’m a fighter here. But none of that gets in my way, in fact I’m very concerned about the earth things like global warming, wildlife extinction, and deforestation are all in my concerned list. I want to make a change in this world! And I also want to let other people know about it.. If you want to contact me here is my email address as well as my Yahoo instant messenger [email protected] or at [email protected]
A poem for mother nature ....
The Life Of A Handicaped Person

My Interests

I love acting, (I play a comedy character in the new blockbuster the Movie Scapegoat!) Enjoy building and flying RC airplanes, Co-piolting, watching movies, attending the gym, workin out, meditating, driving, listening to music, going to concerts, traveling, visiting parks, going outdoors, and spending time with family.


Human RC toy!

I'd like to meet:

Take Me Home Country Roads: John Denver


I love all kinds of music including classic rock "Van Halen" and John Denver Country. But I do not like modern music, hip-hop, rap, R & B or Hispanic Regge.


I love all kinds of movies!


Anything that looks intresting!


Many GOOD ones! lol!


My parents, family, god, John Denver, mother nature, and Steve Irwin!

Thank God I'm a Country Boy:John Denver