Veronika profile picture


Never Make SomeOne Your Everything, Cuz If You Lose Them, You've Got Nothing!!!

About Me

My name is Veronika.I was born in Kazakhstan.I AM Russian.I am 17.I LOVE my Best Friend GALINKA, she has always been there for me no matter wat. We have been through so much hard times and yet pulled through all of them. We are the TRUE meaning of BEST FRIENDS.Richard is My other bestfriend. I love that kid to death. He is sooo funny and i dunno wat i would do witout him! He always cheers me up, and he is just so AWESOME!I am a Cheerleader.I am a Senior in Jordan High School.I am Blonde.I LOVE PINK.I LOVE to Laugh.I have Blue Eyes.I live in Jordan.I love all of My FrIeNdZ.I love my family.Church is a big thing for me...and i LOVE God.SuMMeR is the BEST!November is the shizznit.I own a PiNk Porsche 9-11.I like Volleyball and Soccer.I crave choclate ALL the time!TwiX and penut M&Ms are my Top 2Fruit snacks were MAD3 for me.I am single, and i like it that way.I love traveling, and meeting new people.MY mom is the person i look up the MOST to.I LOVE teddy bears.Fires and Blankets=L.O.V.E.I absolutely love blankets and cuddling.Listening to music is something i do everyday.I enjoy working out.I can beat you in arm wrestling. seriously.Stuck up people bother me.Liers, i cant stand.Two-faced people should not breathe.When i say a joke...LAUGH.Coffee is great.I have blonde only sometimes.Im good at telling stories...even if there made up. so ask me for one.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the guy of my dreamz♥♥♥“ Id like to Find a guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls me back when i hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch me sleep.I'll Wait for the guy who kisses my forehead, who wants to show me off to the world when im in my sweats, who holds my hand in front of his friends, ill Wait for the one who is constantly reminding me of how much he cares about me and how lucky he is to have me.i'll Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,".....that's her." .....:::::Tell her how you admire her. Always tell her how you love her at all times. When she's upset, hold her tight. Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. Play with her hair. Pick her up, tickle her, and wrestle with her. Just talk to her. Tell her jokes. Bring her flowers just because. Hold her hand and run. Just hold her hand. Throw pebbles at her window at night. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Sing to her no matter how awful you sound. Get her mad at you, then kiss her. Give her piggy back rides. Push her on swings. Tell her she looks beautiful. When she's sad, stay on the phone with her, even if she's not saying anything. Look into her eyes and smile. Kiss her on her forehead. Slow dance with her even if there's no music. Kiss her in the rain. And when you fall in love with her... TELL HER:::::.....