Swimming, running, watching tv, sleeping, clubbing and my most favorite hobby of all....alcohol!, but don't you call me a DRUNKEN!!!
Whoevers....old friends, new friends, and randoms
Anything they play at Oceans!
Stupid or scary kind, I like scaring myself even though I act like a bish yo, mos def. But if I get too scared, then I'll be all 'TIME OUT, TIME THE F*CK OUT, cause it wasn't. not. funny!'
Reality: REAL WORLD: HAWAII ("They are not here! It's our second day! I hope they're dancing they're asses off!!", "Burger King baby, baller on a budget!"), NEW ORLEANS ("It's about food, fun,...and bodisseeee!","Cmon be my baby tonight, ah!","Ignorance is here.to.stay.!"), & SAN DIEGO ("No, baby, noooo!", "I went to jail for you bitch!", "I'm just a little too punk rock"); BIG BROTHER ("Just tone it dowwwnn...and be like whatsup....YOU KNOW?!!?!", "Ya nasty, and ya need jesus!"); ....comedies: ON UPN, FOX, AND NBC .....drama: 24.....aright, I watch WAY TOO MUCH TV since I know all these quotes and I can sit in front of the TV all day. It's true!
Wiley, Gleims, or Beckers. I only read cause I have to. BOO to books!...unless it's Hawaii Ghost Stories, I love those kine books
Mah FRIENDS and fa.-me.-lee