About Me
I like to have fun, make real connections with people, say like and toally way too much, love to properly accesorize, and some hippie shit like yoga, pilates and eating almonds. The people I love come from all walks of life but we all share one thing in common-passion for life and respect for eachother. So if you ain't either of these think twice before coming around me or my folks! Oh and here is my virtual pet...
adopt your own virtual pet!...and if you hadn't heard, I lost my best friend my inspiration, motivation, drinking buddy, ride bikes through the city with, get crazy in Vegas, backpack through Europe, laugh in bed with, cook dinner for, watch movies with, plan my life with, worshipped the ground I walked on, my angel, my husband Erizen.... So I deal with that, too...One of my favorite memories of Erizen is in Dabrovnik, Croatia. After a day at a nearby island, sunning our bodies in a magical watering hole with people we'd never see again, we got back on land and chased the sunset. We climbed the ancient stone walkways in the same clothes we'd been wearing for a month by then, bellies filled with pizza del mar and wine towed away in our backpacks. We stopped at a rock that fit like nature's couch. He kept snapping pictures saying I looked so beautiful, which you are when you are so happy, and so very much in love. The sun went down and we walked back to our temporary abode with Ms. Ivanka and her three-legged cat, chilled and let ourselves just be. I treasure that time, keep it close to my heart and thank the stars that I have known such a love, a love for someone so great...