My great-great grandchildren.
Anybody in who is better than me in any way. I want to meet someone who will show me why they are better than me so that I may somehow learn from them and embetter myself.
I would like to meet someone who can make themselves smile.
I would like to meet someone in love.
I would like to meet a happy family.
I would like to meet an outspoken asshole.
Someone who can inspire me.
Someone who can discourage me.
Someone who can bore me.
I would like to meet an artist.
I would like to meet someone who is about to compete for something. I want to know what's going on in their minds before they put their efforts to the test.
I want to meet someone who is happy being abusive.
I want to meet someone who is happy being kind.
I would like to meet someone who's feeling down, so maybe I can share something to cheer them up.
I would like to meet someone who can make me feel. Make me feel happy, sad, empowered, scared. All range of emotions are great, and after experiencing them, I will be happier for it all. Good emotions make us feel great. Bad emotions suck, but after they're gone, isn't it such a relief? Then the next time they come, they can't affect us so much.
I want to meet someone who can have a stimulating conversation with me.
I want me an athiest or agnostic full of doubt and science to trash talk my religion.
I want to meet a saint who spent his/her whole life devoted to their faith.
I want to meet myself in different stages of my future to see where I've ended up.
Bullet For My Valentine
Cries In Vain [Live]