weight lifting, girls, heavy metal music, playing the drums, swimming, mens league softball, yeah go Pen-mac
GOD FORBID - "To The Fallen Heros"
God Forbid's MySpace PageHIM - "Wings of a Butterfly"
HIM's MySpace PageIam a big music fan especially metal music. I do listen to other kinds of music too, except for rap, country, and most main stream crappy hip hop bands. Here is an idea of what you would find in my cd case:As I lay dyingArch enemyArsisBetween the buried and meChildren of Bodom (lots of their albums)Cradle of FilthDimmu BorgirIron MaidenLamb of GodSLAYER (slayer is awesome)Killswitch engageIced EarthTravis and the Invisible band (my softer side)Shadows FallAll that RemainsSlipknotPig DestroyerMorbid AngelDiecastthe list could go on and on(and it would), but you get the idea. My cd case is very valuable if your a metal head haha
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