1. I love to smile:)
2. Shopping is my passion!
3. My little bro goes to Ball State and I LOVE visiting him
4. My motto on sunglasses: The BIGGER the BETTER!
5. I have an addiction to tanning (but you really can't tell)
6. One item I buy every time I go to the grocery store: Flavored Coffee Creamer
7. My friends make me laugh so hard that my stomach hurts
8. I'm obsessed with Chinese food
9. Pink tulips are my favorite flowers
10. I have a dog named Lilly and shes still not fully potty-trained! UH!
11. I LOVE surprises! (even thought I want to know what they are)
12. I enjoy doing things on a whim
13. On any given Saturday, you will find me in a pair of sweatpants:)
14. I love falling asleep to thunderstorms
15. I pretty much live at the lake all summer
16. Campfires are fun
17. I like to catch lightening bugs
18. I enjoy having and going to cookouts
19. I have a written list of things I want to do before I die
20. I am a dependable friend...always there for ya
21. Sometimes I wish I would have chosen teaching instead of nursing
22. Sleeping is one of my hobbies
23. Banditos chips and salsa are heaven on earth
24. I suck at cooking
25. I tend to over-analyze everything
26. I rock out to Eddie Money
27. I am a total daddy's girl
28. I lived with a vegetarian for a year, and now I don't eat red meat-weird huh?
29. I love to cuddle:)
Create your own Friend Quiz here"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot- Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat- Or will stay awake just to watch you sleep- Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead- Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats- Who holds your hand in front of his friends- Who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup- One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you- The one who turns to his friends and says "that's her." ~Author Unknown**********