Hello and welcome yourself upon the abstract world of ILLmortal. A place occupied by the accustomed, common placed and yet heteromorphic views, opinions, ideals, doctrines and beliefs. Acknowledging all values spins you towards an understanding that I am nothing other than: A traitor, racist, sexist, depreciative, biased, bigoted, indistinct, preternatural and most importantly a hypocritical drone, a simple mechanism functioning for the better of a ‘civilised’ society.
So the myth of my journey starts off in a Brandenburg bunker in 1943. Dr Joseph Mengele –after thorough testing with genetics- envisioned a race of a higher class than the Aryan which had been currently sought after. A race of high IQ intelligence, 6’5, blonde hair, blue eyes but primarily Immortal blood. Project Perpetual had been formed. Injected with sacred blood stored and kept for throughout the ages, I had been blessed with greatness. From the blood of King Henry to the blood of the Volsungs. The blood of Scandinavian kings and warriors. Oden, Thor and Baldr.
Not much else is known of what happened to me after my ‘birth’ all documents have seemed to disappeared amongst the mayhem. I had been raised in Poland for many years until I had an opportunity to travel to the Oceania where I currently reside. Imprisoned in a slowly aging body I work nigh shifts as a security guard at a local sports club and spend my days isolated from the futile world, hoping, dreaming that some day I can break the genetic boundaries and produce the next of kin through my sacred blood.
The end of my journey has yet to come. I seek solitude and happiness with my eternal bliss of my surroundings. The saga continues.