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A Little About Myself

Hi!, how ya doin?, well this is my Myspace, I'm Merw, the bassist of Cave and proud student of UABC's School of Chemical Sciences And Engineering. Here is the story:

Merw was born and raised in Mexico, he had a particular sense of humor and was always very shy. In his family his parents had I'm relate a lot with his relatives and from there he grew that family love.

After some years of hard studying and knowing what to do with is life, his vision was completely shattered by the age of 17 when he started truly playing music, more so when he met Martin Santos and his vision took a whole new direction focusing purely on music study and performance.

He's currently 19 years old, and of all the things his life to this moment, he's experiencing some of the most fascinating things right now, currently recording with, Latin Grammy winner, Jaime Galvez, his first material with Cave, waiting to go out there and hit it with all they got.

He's played with several groups such as Aura, a young and very talented group from Tijuana, Hora Libre, Ares, and other temporary musical proyects.

This is only the beginning of the great adventure of life, gigs, CD recordings are just warmer uppers, let the tours, the true life dedicated 100% to music and performance begin, and let's see what life has in stock for us.

Oh! another thing, He's a vegetarian, and It's good to be vegetarian

My Blog

Canciones de Cave Gratis

Que onda carnales, aqui les escribo este blog nomas para infomarles que ya pueden escuchar un cachito del disco de Cave en nuestro Myspace, y en este podran bajar dos canciones gratis y escuchar otras...
Posted by Merw on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 06:10:00 PST

Una manera Funky de ver el mundo

Slap, una manera funky de ver el mundoEl slap-pop es una manera de tocar el bajo en donde tanto tonos como sonidos percusivos son realizados tras "pegarle" (slap) al bajo de cierta manera con el dedo ...
Posted by Merw on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 08:36:00 PST

2 Canciones del CD de Cave Gratis

Ey carnales que tal, aqui paso a decirles que Cave estara regalando dos canciones de su nuevo disco homonimo este 3 de octubre para que esten al pendiente, incluiremos una breve demostracion de lo que...
Posted by Merw on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 08:32:00 PST

Suscripcion a las noticias de Cave

Quieres estar al tanto de las noticias mas recientes de Cave, tocadas, avances del disco y mercancia o simplemente cotorrear!?, has click en el siguiente banner!!...
Posted by Merw on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 01:33:00 PST

Poco a poco el bajo domina el mundo

Para aquellos compas que han dicho que el bajo esta facil jajajaja.. tripeense este video... veanlo completo que si no no vale, papy Tom Kennedy... ...
Posted by Merw on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:19:00 PST

Estudio Audio Visual

Durante el trascurso de estos 3 meses se realizara un estudio llamado AudioVision, el estudio consiste en una serie de preguntas basadas en sonidos y progesiones de sonigos grabados y establecidos por...
Posted by Merw on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:24:00 PST

Que onda

Que onda a todos, aqui les escribe su amigo Merw, desde aca de Moreno Valley grabando el disco de Cave con el Productor Jaime Galvez... esperense el disco muy pronto amigos.Para todos los que nos han ...
Posted by Merw on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 01:11:00 PST

Mitos y Hechos. Tu decide

Mito: Los daños de la marihuana han sido cientifcamente comprobados. En los 60's y 70's, mucha gente creia que la marihuana era inofensiva. Ahora sabemos que la marihuana es mas peligrosa de lo que pe...
Posted by Merw on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:26:00 PST

Pagina interesante
Posted by Merw on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 02:17:00 PST

Toxicidad de la marihuana

Según "Merck Index" el LD50 (dosis letal para el 50% de las ratas probadas) de inhalación de THC es de 42 mg/kg de la masa corporal. Eso es el equivalente a que un hombre de 75kg ingestara el THC de 2...
Posted by Merw on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:59:00 PST