This is the girl who keeps me going
The girl who is always there for me
The girl that knows more about me than i do
She never lets me feel alone, or go to sleep without a smile
She shows me that every day is worth it, even if it's just to talk to her for five minutes
This is the girl i would kill for
The girl i would die for
The girl whose smile i live for
She's the kindest, smartest, most insightful, complex, authentic, amazing, and drop-dead-gorgeous girl i've ever met
And she means the world to me
I love you Glenna, more than you know
Music. Playing it, writing it, listening to it, performing it, watching it be performed, analyzing it, interpreting it, living it, loving it.
My friends and girlfirend. They're the shit, they're real, and i love 'em.
I like to think a lot. I love debating. A lot of things piss me off, but it's never really a "just because" matter. I'm a gamer. I over-analyze things. Public transportation is my friend
good movies..../css/.."
i watch a lot of Discovery Channel, History Channel, Comedy Central, FX, AdultSwim, and G4.
I don't read enough...but when i find a good book it's usually on music, human nature, or warfare...things like that.
My mother. My friends. My girlfriend.