Craig profile picture


Craig Foster of Skinwerks Tattoo & Design

About Me

My name is Craig Foster. I was born in New York(Queens) 9/4/71. Moved to New Jersey, Pittsburgh, Boca Raton, and landed in Marietta GA. 1989. Moved around Atlanta quite a bit, but mostly stayed in Marietta. I started tattooing in 1995 with Jeff Burgess,AKA Miami, in Douglasville a studio named "Tattoo's By Miami". I made my way back to Marietta working with Deano Cook & Psycho Tattoo in 96, and worked there until 2002. Left Psycho Tattoo,and went to work with Cap Szumski & Timeless Tattoo in Atlanta. Stayed there almost 3 years and left to do my own thing, Skinwerks Tattoo. was started by Scott Padgett of Marietta GA. a while back. I was invited to join the website in 2000, and it has been my home since. We eventually want to join forces ,but for now I started up Skinwerks Tattoo in Carrollton GA. September of 2004. I love to work.I am a fulltime Tattoo Atist, a fulltime Husband, and a fulltime Dad. Everything that I need. I enjoy Good Movies (action) , spicy food, video games, fishing, and travel. The only meat that I eat is Fish. There are only a few types of fish that I do not like. Chillean Sea Bass, Perch, and Monk Fish. On my free time,I like to hang out with my Family. I go out every once and awhile just for special occasions. To finish, I joined this group to see how many people I can find that I have tattooed over the years. Contact me and show me the work. I enjoy what I do with a passion, and never forget a tattoo or a face.

My Interests

My Family, Spicy food, Fish, Movies,Cool nights, Fishing, Music, and Japanese culture.

I'd like to meet:

Tattoo Art collectors, and Artists.


Old Hip Hop(Bee Bop) South Florida old School Rap,some new Hip Hop, Some underground Hip Hop, Alternative( Big Deftones fan! ) , some hard stuff, Blues(old), old R&B.


Tim Burton Films, Big Trouble In Little China, Last of The Mohicans, Big Fish, Dead Presidents, Sin City, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D,Matrix, Blade , Blade 2, Donny Darko, Green Mile, ....I will think of some more later...


The Daily Show, The Weather Chanel, Iron Chef (Japan) , National Geographic Channel, Naruto.


Musashi, Hagakure,and all Stephen King novels.


My Decendants.