jewelry making, traveling to Canada, Mexico, Europe-anywhere you want to take me, Oreos, blue, going to the beach, stressing myself out in school...
I've met the ideal boy, so I'm good on that end, but I always like to meet new people to hang out with! I would like to meet the person who thought of bottling water.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
Pretty much anything but Opera and crazy music that sounds jumbled and stressful.
The Simpsons Movie!! An Inconvienent Truth, Tommy Boy, My Big Fat Greek Wedding (it reminds me of my family), A Christmas Story, Dumb and Dumber
Grey's Anatomy, Two and a Half Men,Spongebob Squarepants, Anything on the Discovery, Science or Health channel, Seinfeld, I Want That
Harry Potter, Things Fall Apart, Fast Food Nation, Farenheit 451, The End of Education and there are so many on my to-read list!!
My Mom and Dad. They are the most honest, generous, fantastic people I know. I live my life everyday hoping I will be like them when I am their age.