Oscar Carmona profile picture

Oscar Carmona

About Me

Oscar Carmona was born in 1975 in Santiago of Chile.Starts his piano studies when he was 14 years old at the Almirante Barroso Experimental School of Music, entering two years later into the Music National Conservatory to study piano with Fernando Cortés. In 1994 he enters at the Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile to get a degree on Music Licentiate. In 1997 he studied Music Composition, in the same college, attending classes with masters Aliocha Solovera in composition and counterpoint, Cirilo Vila in stylistic harmony, and Juan Amenábar in electro-acoustic music, among others.In 1998 he gets the Second Distinction in the XXIII Chilean Music Festival with his work "2 Piezas Negras" for solo piano. During this same year he wins the Composition Competition in homage to the fifty years from the death of the Chilean poet Vicente Huidobro with his work "Horizón Carré" for female voice, piano and two percussionists.In 1999 Carmona enters to the National Composers Association of Chile. In 2001 he received the Andes Foundation Scholarship to finish his studies in Chile. In the same year his String Quartet was selected and performed in the ISCM World Music Days Festival in Yokohama, Japan, by the Excelsior Quartet. In 2002 he received the Special Prize in the Composition Competition at the Universidad Católica de Chile for his work "Poema Crucificado" ("El Abandonado") for 16 voices a capella, and his electro-acoustic work "Kinesis" was selected in "IV International Biennale of Electro-acoustic Music" in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the same year his String Quartet was performed in the Festival “Two Days and Two Night of New Music” in Odessa, Ukraine.In 2003 his work "Configuraciones" was selected and performed by Hinko Haas, Bojan Gorisek (pianos) and Les Percussions de Strasbourg in ISCM World Music Days Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2004 his work "Cygnus X - 1", for piano and tape, was finalist in the INTERNATIONAL GAUDEAMUS MUSIC COMPETITION 2004, and his work "Nebula IV", for flutist with amplified flute, was selected and performed by Matthias Ziegler in the ISCM World Music Days Festival in Switzerland.During 2005 his works has been performed in the festivals ISCM World Music Days Festival in Zagreb, Croatia; “Two Days and Two Nights of New Music” in Odessa, Ukraine, Music Encounters at the DePaul University in Chicago, USA; Festival Encuentros in Buenos Aires, Argentine, and ArtCologne, in Cologne, Germany.In 2006 he participated in the Encuentro de Composición INJUVE, in Spain, where taked master classes with Kaija Saariaho, Martín Matalón and Mauricio Sotelo. In addition, his work “Nebula VII” for amplified violin, was played by Irvine Arditti, in the festival ISCM World Music Days in Stuttgart, Germany.In February of 2007, he was selected to attend the composition workshop at Centre Acanthes, with a new orchestral piece. The work, "EN DEHORS II", was played by the Orchestre National de Lorraine conducted by Jacques Mercier.In 2008 he was chosen to participate in the first year of composition and computer music course 2008-2009 organized by IRCAM, from September, and his work "EN DEHORS II" was selected to be played by the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra conducted by Juozas Domarkas (http://www.wmd2008.org/en/info/40) in the ISCM World Music Days Festival, in Vilnius, Lithuania.In 2007 he founds with Ramiro Molina (electric guitar, electric prepared guitar), Andrés Ferrari (live electronics and live images), and he himself (piano, electronic keyboard, objects,) to the "DR. Equilátero", a group dedicated to free music improvisation (http://www.myspace.com/doctorequilatero)He also teaches music composition at the Facultad de Artes of the Universidad de Chile and at the Escuela de Música ARCIS.------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests


Member Since: 8/1/2007
Band Website: www.ocarmona.scd.cl - www.pytheasmusic.org
Influences: Johan Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Gyorgy Ligeti, Martin Matalón, Roberto Bolaño, Yan Maresz, Luciano Berio, Julio Cortázar, Andrés Ferrari, Fausto Romitelli, Alejandra Costamagna, Underworld, Lennie Tristano, Cecilio Carmona, Felisberto Hernandez, Luis Buñuel, Bill Evans, Alicia Inostroza, Glenn Gould, Javier Tomeo, Yanett Yañez, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Aurore Reichert, Cesar Aira, Claudio Arrau, Salvador Dalí, Francis Ford Coppola, Sergio Valenzuela, Alifair, Gaston Leroux, Bruno Mantovani, Igor Stravinsky, John Cage, Aphex Twin, MarcAndré Dalbavie, The Gotan Project, Ramiro Molina, Pierre Boulez, The Coffe Pinguean Orchestra, Claude Debussy, Antonio Carvallo, Maurice Ravel, Fritz Lang, Emir Kusturica, Frederic Chopin, Raffaele Grimaldi, Philippe Hurel, Sergei Prokofiev, El Bosco, Enrique Vila-Matas, Magnus Lindberg, Ximena Jara, Erick Satie, Johannes Brahms, Gustav Malher, Anton Bruckner, J.R.R.Tolkien, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Marta Argerich, and many, many others,...
Sounds Like: During 2007 Oscar Carmona (Piano and prepared piano) founds with Andrés Ferrari (Live electronics) and Ramiro Molina (electric guitar and intervened guitar) a group of free improvisation.Here you can listen some examples of our improvisations. The first one is a long improvisation based in rhythm and color; the second one is an excerpt of a improvisation, maybe more structured, unconsciously more structured, and the last one, is a very short improvisation where each musician show an individual material that is interrupted by the other. After three has shown a brief different material, all are united to give to form to the sum of all the materials, looking for coherence, or looking for who knows what.....

Record Label: Musica Electronica

My Blog

Confesión cromática

Confesión cromáticaUn hombre joven, durante una cálida tarde invernal y a miles de kilómetros de distancia, piensa en ella, en su mujer amada. El hombre joven se prepara un café sin dejar de pensarla-...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 06:21:00 GMT

Capricho Ruso

Un sujeto de edad mediana siente de un momento a otro, unos incontenibles deseos de tomar café. El sujeto por algunos segundos intenta distraerse y olvidar su capricho, pero luego, y obedeciendo a un ...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:28:00 GMT

La Catedral de Luxemburgo

¿Cómo estás?¬ preguntó el uno. La verdad es que algo metafísico, quizás un poco abstracto y de cuando en cuando ligeramente sinfónico. Yo diría que entre dodecafónico y expresionista respondi...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:21:00 GMT


Entre ella y yo, hay muchas metapalabras. Las inventamos en nuestros ratos libres para nuestro uso cotidiano, y obviamente, nadie más que nosotros las usa y conoce. La verdad es que las usamos com...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:18:00 GMT

Complicaciones Literarias V

Por la cresta, exclamé mientras escribía porque otra vez, y para variar, desconocía completamente el destino de los personajes de mi relato. Pero no solo eso, esta vez además, desaparecían de escena s...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 20:30:00 GMT


UNA TRISTE HISTORIALA se enamoró de SI, pero por desgracia su amor era imposible: se interponía entre ellos un SI Bemol (o un LA sostenido que, para el caso de los no entendidos, es lo mismo)Ellos, y ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 16:24:00 GMT


CREATIVIDADTres hombres caminan alrededor de un obelisco ubicado al sur de la ciudad en que viven. Ellos están preocupados pues sienten que el obelisco no permanecerá ahí por mucho tiempo y piensan qu...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 16:22:00 GMT


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Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 16:21:00 GMT


INSTANTESLa madre de la niña dropilosa está en la cocina de su casa. Lleva puesto un delantal blanco desde la distancia se ve blanco aunque bien puede ser color crema y su cabello está ligeramente d...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 16:19:00 GMT


IDILIO IUna taza pequeña y muy femenina, conversa cálidamente con el café que está en su interior. Él le da las gracias por acogerlo y ella, con una dulce y tierna mirada, le dice que no se preocupe, ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 16:17:00 GMT