"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Ghandhi 1869-1948.
Would you ever open your refrigerator, pull out 16 plates of pasta and toss them in the trash, and then eat just one plate of food? How about leveling 55 square feet of rain forest for a single meal or dumping 2,500 gallons of water down the drain? Of course you wouldn't! But if you're eating chicken, fish, turkey, pork, or beef, that's what you're doing and supporting! —wasting resources and destroying our environment.
Animals raised for food expend the vast majority of the calories that they are fed simply existing, just as we do. We feed more than 70 percent of the grains and cereals we grow to farmed animals, and almost all of those calories go into simply keeping the animals alive, not making them grow. Only a small fraction of the calories consumed by farmed animals are actually converted into the meat that people eat. Please act responsibly and thank you! http://www.opposecruelty.org