Randy McNobb profile picture

Randy McNobb

About Me

I've made a decision. I'm not grumpy. I'm right. Most people are idiots. I just hate the general public. Apart from those who are genuinely nice people. You know who you are. You know the kind. I'd like to think I'm one of the decent folk.
I live with my girlfriend, Cara, and our crazy-like-a-fox Mongrel, Vince. We're very happy. Especially now said Mongrel has stopped wrecking the house. That was when I got extra grumpy. BAD DOG! NAUGHTY DOG!
I work in a record shop in Manchester. With some of the afore mentioned decent folk. Although there have been a couple of fucking loons. Well, at least one. And some odd types. Very odd indeed.
I "play" bass guitar and I'm currently back in the musical services of Mark Massey and his band of one. They are called no arm. They are - in my humble opinion - a good band (when they have a full line up). I played in the band before I joined (hooker), and now I've left (hooker) I'm playing with them once more. And as with (hooker), I was a fan of the band before joining. There's a tentative myspace page with some old rough tracks. Please visit and show your appreciation. www.myspace.com/wearenoarm.
I wouldn't say that I have too many "real" friends. Nowhere near as many friends as I've had hot dinners. And the friends I have, I don't see enough of. I miss them quite a lot. Sometimes.
I'm one of the chosen few. An Evertonian. And incredibly proud. This can be extremely rewarding. More often than not it's the most dificult and depressing thing in the world. I kid ye not. At least I've seen them win the league in my lifetime.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Blog

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