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Enjoy's Fun!

About Me

i'm juz a simple girl livin mah liFe in diS world...a trustworthy friEnd and an open-minded person...well, leTs be fRieNds and fiNd it oUt for youRseLf...who d rEal me... :)

My Interests

IntErioR dEsigN StuffS, hikiNg/moUntaiNeEring, EnVirOnment, KaTe MosS, DaVid BlaiNe, miCkEy MouSe, doLphinS, sTars, flipFlopS, IRA, cutesy thingy, bEach, dOgs, piLLows, teDdY bEarS, and Many mOre... :-)


mGa SariLing Atin: BaMbOo the Band!!!, PnE, SoutHbOrdEr, KitChiE NadAL, MYMP, HaLe, mOjofLy, etc... inTeRnatiOnaL: UsHer, aLiciA KeyS, maRiah CareY, jLo, goo goo dolls, matchbox20, etc...


DisNey's PrinCeSs ClasSic moVies, SeRendiPity, LegALLy BlonDe 1&2, PriNcEss DiariEs, PriNce n Me, and Many More...