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Nick the Greek®

Always Know If The Juice Is Worth The Squeeze!

About Me

Hi, My name is Nick, I am a very outgoing guy, My favorite things to do are, hang out with my friends, go to movies, eat, sleep, stay up late, drink, smoke, and go on trips. I am currently in a film class, and work at Hollywood Video off of Wedge ParkWay. I have always wanted to go to the east coast, they have a whole different culture than out west. I am an easy going guy and a huge sports fan. I analize and watch sports with my friends. My favorite teams are The Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I started liking the Red Sox in October 2003, I was on the top floor of the Hilton in San Francisco. My Dad and I were watching Game seven of the ALCS. The game was tied at five and the Red Sox just got out in the top of the eleventh. There were a bunch of Yankee and Red Sox fans yelling at eachother, Then in the bottom of the eleventh Aaron Boone stepped up to the plate, the first pitch from Tim Wakefield was a knuckleball that didn't knuckle. Aaron Boone hit a walk off homerun on the first pitch he saw that night. Even though the Red Sox lost I began to like them, and plus my best friend Joel is a Yankee fan so it makes it fun. I like the Patriots because I ador Tom Brady (not in a gay way) and I just love to watch him play.~Nick~Tom Brady
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My Interests

History, Sports, Money, Girls, Music and Movies.

I'd like to meet:

Clive Owen, Tom Brady, Bill Belichick, Derek Jeter, Stephen Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Aaron Lewis, Bruce Willis, Pedro Martinez, Tim Wakefield, Stephen King, and Mike Lowell, Johnny Knoxville, Fred Durst, Donald Trump, Al Michaels, Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler, Carlos Mancia, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Al Pacino, Michael Mann, Collin Farrel, Will Farrel, Steve Carell, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Lance Armstrong, John Madden, Joe Montana, Nicholas Cage, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, Johnny Cash (R.I.P.), Christopher Walken, Mike Wahlberg, Edward Norton, Seth Green, and Steve-O.


STAIND, AFI, KoRn, Sage Francis, Paul Oakenfold, Wolfmother, Rise Against, Rage Against The Machine, Angels & Airwaves, Panic! at the Disco, Creed, Jimmy Eat World, Blue Man Group,Slipknot, Cypriss Hill, Boston, Beck, Dead Kennedys, The Who, Queen, Beastie Boys, CKY, Alien Ant Farm, Marilyn Manson, Nickleback, Vetrical Horizon, and 50 Cent, Incubus, Audioslave, Kanye West, Limp Bizkit, Ludacris, Jay-Z, Johnny Cash, Journey, Kansas, Jurassic 5, Lenny Kravitz, and N.E.R.D.


The Girl Next Door, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Flags of Our Fathers, Good Night and Good Luck, Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, Kings Ransom, Scarface, Blood Diamond, The Terminal, Gladiator, Sin City, Collateral, Die Hard, Die Hard With a Vengence, Jarhead, Walk The Line, King Kong, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, 40 Year-old-Virgin, National Treasurer, Jackass The Movie, Kill Bill, Freddy Got Fingered, Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Lady Killers, War Of The Worlds, Saving Private Ryan, Wedding Crashers, The Rundown, Eurotrip, Naked Gun, and Spy Hard, Mission Impossable, M:i-2, 2004 World Series Film, The Hills Have Eyes, Dreamcatcher, Waiting, Van Wilder, Animal House, The Longest Yard, Kingpin, Fever Pitch, Theres Something More About Mary, The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, The Godfather Part III, Enemy at the Gates, The Constant Gardener, Bader Santa, Bad News Bears, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Bruce Almighty, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Blackhawk Down, Windtalkers, Band of Brothers, Four Brothers, Hearts War, Hostage, Tears of the Sun, Fun With Dick and Jane, Herold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Out Cold, Three Kings, Two For The Money, Clerks II, Team America, Rat Race, Changing Lanes, The Sandlot, Wayne's World, Wayne's World 2, Miami Vice, Dawn Of The Dead, Shaun Of The Dead, Be Cool, Mr. And Mrs. Smith, The Replacements, Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Indiana Jones And The Last Cruisade and Inside Man.


Sportscenter, Baseball Tonight, The Simpsons, Chappelle's Show, South Park, Mind of Mancia, Baseball, Football, and Family Guy.


Patriot Reign, Now I Can Die In Peace, Emperors and Idiots, Faithful, Ted Williams, The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty, Juiced, Band of Brothers, and Dreamcatcher.


Tom Brady, Derek Jeter, Curt Schilling, Goose Gossage, Paul Oakenfold, Sage Francis, Tom Hanks,Clive Owen, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, Stephen Spielberg, Lance Armstrong, Aaron Lewis, And my Father.

My Blog

Number Four

This weekend will try my patients, I know you people are probly tired of hearing about sports but when January and October roll around sports are my focus. So lets get down to what I wanted to say. Ev...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:15:00 PST

What Did I Tell You?

What did I tell you people. The Patriots won, and they are going to prove everyone wrong next week as well. I know the Colts have Peyton Manning but what has he done in the playoffs? lost! every year ...
Posted by Nick on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:05:00 PST

Fear them, Hate them

             This year the Patriots have been under the radar (like always) Everyone plays them down. I am here to tell you that they are going to...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 03:32:00 PST

Heart of a Champion

Nelly made the Posability of the New England Patriots being in the Super Bowl this year easier for me to believe. My best friend Joel showed me this song and it has gotten me pumped up. Tom Brady may ...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:55:00 PST

The Fuck Over

This has been bothering me for a long time and now I just exploded. I met this girl awhile back and she and I have become friends, I asked her out she said yes. but this other guy asks her out and she...
Posted by Nick on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 07:52:00 PST

The Perfect Bank Robbery

                 On the day of July 5th, 2006 was the day some peoples lives would change forever.      &...
Posted by Nick on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 04:01:00 PST


Kyle Sputter was everyones punchingbag, he was depressed, mad, and hated everyone. He wasn't very popular. He came from a very loving household. His parents and grandparents cared about him like no ot...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 06:11:00 PST

I won a free iPod!!!! Part 2

Yeah baby I won my iPod back in a poker game. This rascal son of a bitch beat me wit a pair of jacks. The scene was tense, cigar smoke filled the air, I was staring him down like he was Paris Hilton w...
Posted by Nick on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 08:18:00 PST

Eternal Guilt

"Ready or not... here I come!" Yelled Jackie, a third grader form North Migmot Elementary. She lived in a house on Glevey Hill, her friends at that moment were hiding throughout the house, holding her...
Posted by Nick on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:22:00 PST

Aaron Lewis

I saw Aaron Lewis on the 13th and he was awsome. I was in awe when he was on stage, I have been listening to STAIND for five years now and have dreamed about seeing them, even though it was just Aaron...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 07:16:00 PST