kate profile picture


state of grace...

About Me

matches and kerosene

My Interests

my snowboards, my bike... weather phenomenons, lip balm, my flavor flav alarm clock... bmx, music that give me goose bumps...watching boys fight...the written word. people watching, new kicks, the concept of a moment and strength of conviction. aggression...and a million other things

I'd like to meet:

fire and brimstone... (on a bike).


it's about what Jeremy Enigk and Chino Moreno have in common. goose bumps...


Rad, True Romance, Dracula or anything with Gary Oldman...State of Grace, Buffalo 66, Secretary, anything by Harmony Korine...., Boondock Saints, Blood In Blood Out, Evil Dead....Stick It. ha


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, UFC, Bravo, the Weather Channel, The food network, the food network, the food network. Anything with Flavor Flav...


Diaries of Anais Nin, Bukowski, anything by Ayn Rand....Henry Miller...Irvine Welsh, Norse Mythology, Bret Easton Ellis, House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. I just got a book on etiquette, it's pretty damn funny....and i'm also reading One Hundred Years of Solitude . I'll read just aout anything you put in front of me.


Anais Nin, Ayn Rand, Evel Knievel...Todd Richards