Long Live Analog!
At Panda Records we record exclusively on analog tape recorders. It's our opinion that nothing compares to the quality, warmth and huge bottom end achieved when recording to tape.With the ever expanding market geared towards digital home recording, many of our first time clients have never recorded on pro-level tape machines before. We are confident you will love the way your music sounds on it.Engineer:
Turning the knobs at Panda Records is our engineer Scott Fletcher. Most commonly known throughout greater Binghamton for his brief stint with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scott also spent four years working in Los Angeles as a session guitar player, notched two full U.S. tours on his belt with Lisa St. Ann (Pax Records), co-produced and engineered the solo debut of Seth Horan (former Vertical Horizon bassist) and performed with legendary gospel singer Donnie Sumner (Piano player for Elvis Presley), all the while collaborating with many local and regional musicians working in a multitude of genres including rock, blues, jazz, folk, punk, R&B, americana and country.