WENDIGO profile picture


About Me

"WENDIGO" A DJ, A Chef, A Mixer, A Masher, Always ready and willing to serve up her latest creation of "YUM" ~go ahead,grab yourself "SUM"."WENDIGO" provides a daily source of "EAR CANDY". Just like the Candy Man can... "WENDIGO" can... She can make the sun shine and sprinkle it with dew....... she can take a normal song and make it "KICKASS" and "NEW" Oh "WENDIGO" can... yes "WENDIGO" can... "WENDIGO can...because she "mixe's" it with love and makes the world "SOUND" GOOD!!

My Interests


Member Since: 01/08/2007
Band Website: http://www.myspace.com/wendeeego
Band Members: When Da Lou WHO?
Sounds Like: Cotton candy,chips,salsa,bacon cheese burgers,taco salad,and hot apple pie Mmmm....."YUMMY"
Record Label: Who wants to labeled? I'd rather be an ORIGINAL!!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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