Who am I?
Yoel Orlando Moreno ...
aka Tilo
I'm a Dade Student. I'm a Certified Dental Assistant. I'm being me, the only way i've ever known how to.
I aspire to be a Endodontic and Prosthetic Dentist, or Dentist that works with specific types of Dental procedures, if that makes it easier for you to understand.
I like writing mini-storys about nonsense, I'm currently rewriting this story, but to read a rough draft of it, go to id_stare_too.livejournal.com I also picked up Photography. Its interesting to be able to take precious moments and save them as an art.
I've been described as a sweet heart, amazing, and i commonly make friends with people. I also know that rumors always seem to fly around, if you hear any let me know. I'm very oblivious to the world. I strongly dislike cursing. I'm very bad at keeping ties with my friends.. Its something i hate that im trying to fix. Stability is pleasant, though hard to maintain.
I'm dispise talking to younger people, because they make me feel old when im still so young. I strongly dislike sunglasses, even if i do live in Miami, I dislike it when people wear them, because they hide your emotions, and half your face. I'm usually very impatient. Punctual up the ass. And lately I've been rather lonely.
i dont want you to tell me i'm beautiful or attractive, i've heard it all, and i know how to lead people on. I'm not interested in hooking up with you, but if you invite me out to lunch or dinner, and can show that you have an IQ above 120, then i will probably show interest, how ever if you send me something like "Yo ur hot, im in town, lets trade nudes n hook^" I'll think your fucking retarded and politely reject you.
I'm just a "young adult", 18 years of age. I fall out of touch a lot without noticing it, especially with my wicked work schedule... I become shy as fast as i open up because i feel like i impose on people. But heres something that can help you keep in touch.
Dont Abuse It
Read this if you actually care to get to know me.
I'm not a complex person, I kind only need a few things. I want a few other things, then again anyone can WANT something, right?"You don't always get what you want Yoel." As stated by a close friend.
We all search for romance and love.
One Step at a time, I conquer my world, and hopefully before I make it to the end, I will have found someone to make me smile.
I'm a Virgo.
I take horoscope readings VERY seriously, because everything in them is just miraculously true.
THE Zodiacal Sign of Virgo commences on August 21st, but for seven days it does not come into its full power until on or about August 29th. From this date onwards it is in full strength until September 20th. With Mercury as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are quick thinking and observant. They define pure modesty; they can't bear to be taken care of, they prefer to take care of others.They are usually materialistic in their views of life, and analyze and reason everything from their own way of thinking outwards.They are extremely fond of harmony in their surroundings, have excellent taste about their house and dress, and always want things in good taste, and elegant. These people are more capable of going to extremes in good and evil than any other type. In love they are the most difficult to understand, the very best and the very worst of men and women being born in this part of the year.A warm relationship brings out the best in anyone born under this sign because basically they are kind, devoted and very loyal. Disappointment, however, can harden them into a cynic and a skeptic. Virgos consequently become quite critical with themselves as well as with circumstances, due to the effect of such disappointments on a sensitive and discriminating nature.