When life gets me down, when it seems like there is nothing left for me to do but give up... When others would let their emotions take over and go on a rampage of actions or words I have my own solution; my own outlet into which I funnel all of those emotions, sad, happy, angry, whatever they may be. They are funneled from my mind and heart through my body and out my fingertips onto the keys of the piano. The songs you listen to here come from deep within my heart and soul. They tell what a thousand words could not, of my excitement, my pain, my joy, and my sadness. They tell my story, of trust and of betrayal, of love and of hate. Of the sorrow I have brought upon myself and others. Of the forgiveness that Jesus Christ has given and of the hope that I could maybe capture your heart as well with these simple notes played upon it. I ask for nothing, but only that you listen with open ears that perhaps my mistakes and failures will not be for nothing but will, through this music, sooth your heart, your mind and your soul in times of trouble, torment and sorrow. PLEASE ALSO VISIT MY OVERFLOW MUSIC PAGE: www.myspace.com/ikeandy2 to hear my original (older) music.Myspace Graphics
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