This is Georgia,My best friend of all time.I fucking love her more then anyone!Shes always there for me and without her my life is incomplete and worthless.She is so fuckin brave and has bin thro alot. i am PRIVLIDGED to be her friend Noone comes before her,noone will replace her.Forever Friends. I love every single thing we do,like sticking stars to our faces and painting pictures. Words cant describe how amazing she is! Id take 100 bullets for her.Id break your fukin face if u hurt her.Id do anything to make her smile.There is onliy 4 people i NEED!!!! and its these 3 and georgia. They make me who i am. They are my heart and brains when i feel lost and i dont no who i am anymore and unable to think for myself. If i ever lost any of them, id be incomplete. This is my DINA!!!!!!a best friend.god! i well love her seriously! shes always there for me,and always takes my side.She knows how 2 cheer me up and always makes me smile like a twat!When im sad, her main pirority is making me happy.Now that ladys and gentleman is a REAL friend =] Omg theres so much that i could put here seriously. it feels like at times shes the only one i can talk to and the only one who actually understands and jst doesnt say ' dnt worry about it'. She makes my whole world spin.Every tear i cry, she makes it seem like im not just being stupid,and that im allowed to express my feelings,without thinking im pathetic.So many people in this world has turned against me 1 way or another.But NEVER!!! dina.She refuses to let me go whatever iv done or sed.please never let me lose you.not ever.because ur my rock!my FAFF hed =] My freddy!!!! Ohhhh hes so fucking funny! and so caring!!! like when i was really cold and he gave me his hoody and socks lol! I love him ooh sooooo much!and spending time with him is heaven.We also talk about utter crap!!! Snuggling up under a blanket in the park bitching is the best ! Id do anything just to spend some extra minutes of the day with him.He makes me feel safe.if i ever need someone for a urgent hug i just scream and he'll come to my rescue.He makes me well happy, and hes my best friend =] This is Kane!!! Hes changed me as a person.Hes made me see im worth more then i thought. i shouldnt be walked all over and treated like shit.Also theres no point in beating around the bush. If theres something that needs saying, i might aswell!!!Kane is special in so many ways to me.No one in the world is like him.Hes genuine u no.He has the best music taste too!!!I once spent 10 hours talking to him,and i loved it.i love him =] hes a friend worth keeping, and 1 im nt gna let go off in a hurry. x This is Tom.Hes my boyfriend.Enuff said.I love you This is Jay! Hes on here because hes one of the people i coudnt imagine my life without.I can turn to him when im sad, or just want a proper good laugh. We always find each other and its great. Hes a very good mate to me, and wotever is thrown at us , nothing can tare us apart. I jst hope he knows how much he means to me, and he always will yeh! love you!
Create Your Own!
♥ i love .... ♥ ♥ slipknot ♥ ♥ marilyn manson ♥ ♥ wednesday 13 ♥ ♥ rob zombie ♥ ♥ deathstars ♥ ♥ still remains ♥ ♥ A7X ♥ ♥ funeral for a friend ♥ ♥ my chemical romance ♥ ♥ trivium ♥ ♥ bullet for my valentine ♥ ♥ i love hard rock the most,like... ♥ ♥ stone sour ♥ ♥disturbed ♥♥ seether ♥ ♥ drowning pool ♥ ♥ etc etc ♥
KANE!!! *actual size lmao =Pif there was a catogorie for LEGENDS.. this boy would fuckin get it! 9-10/12/06 this boy has kept me up!all nite ;) only person to have EVER managed it! so he deserves it YUPYUP! Also hes my partner in crime.nigger patrol init lol Talking to this boy.. FOR 10 SOLID HOURS WITHOUT STOPPING nt even for a few minutes... is like BETTER THEN NE OF U CD DO!!
First Name: Ellie
Middle Name: Jane , Rose
Birthday: 23rd December
Eyes: black
Hair: black
Fav color: dark purple
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: sandwhiches
Do you ever wish you had another name? all the time
Do you like anyone? maybe
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Georgia
Who's the loudest? hmmm i dnoo, were both pretty mental
Who have you known the longest of your friends? nicole
Who's the shyest: vicky!! even tho she screams wen shes drunk
Are you close to any family members? my cousin ollie
When you cried the most: being heartbroken
What's the best feeling in the world: achieving something worthwhile
Worst Feeling: being alone
Let's walk on the: snow
Let's run through: a huge group of germans.
Let's look at the: hot guys
What a nice: tattooo you have!! cn i touch it?
Where did all the: cool people go?
Why can't you: love me for who i am,
Silly, little: jew
Tell me: everything you no
Ran away from home: tried when i was like 5
Pictured your crush naked: ahahhaa maybe
Skipped school: yep
Broken someone's heart: yep
Been in love: yep
Cried when someone died: yes obv
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: all the time
Done something embarrassing: ALL THE TIME!!!
Done a drug: smoke weed
Cried in school: oo yeh
Your Good Luck Charm: my rings
Person You Hate Most: there name isnt worth mentioning because it makes me sick thinking about them.
Best Thing That Has Happened: meeting my best friend georgia
Ice Cream: vinilla
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Georgia
Makes you smile: Georgia
Has A Crush On You: not mentioning any names lol
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: maybe
Fallen for your best friend?: ahaha i hope not
Made out with JUST a friend?: yepppp
Kissed two people in the same day?: yerp
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no lol
Been rejected: . yes
Been in love?: uh huh
Been used?: =( yes!
Done something you regret?: all the timee
Cheated on someone?: not really
Been called a tease: all the time
You touched?: my mum! i poked her in the back!!
You talked to on the phone?: georgiaaa
You hugged?: georgia
You instant messaged?: joshie
You kissed?: i kissed my mum!
You yelled at?: georgia lol oops
Who text messaged you?: sam
Who broke your heart?: mike, thx for cheating on me btw!
Who told you they loved you?: mike, and what a lie tht was!
MY GRANDAD!! . He was always right about everything and strong headed. I love him so much and it hurts more than anything to have lost him *16/10/06*..