Tyler profile picture


Time, is an illusion. Lunchtime, doubly so.

About Me

I am a man by all means, of simple means and that means that my means are shown in the complexity of my means. I try to catch the world that is moving in the mirrors of my justice. I view the melting hearts of the world in envy realizing how getting burned is most contradictory. If knowledge is power and power corrupts then doesn't it make sense to be stupid but then again if ignorance is bliss then no one is happy. Having reached the pinnacle of perception I calculate that the effectiveness of a pun is directly proportionate to its intolerability. Every decision is a derivative of planned spontaneousness. If love is a battlefield then please institute a draft. They must call it politicking because one day the timer will go off and the world will explode. If small people get just as much done as large people then aren't large people just inefficient? Everything in life is an equation you can solve as long as you don't have too many unknowns but ultimately the equation must balance out which makes you appreciate friction a whole lot more. Lastly I think anyone who falls in love has some directional issues that need to be addressed and therefore I will be floating in love.

My Interests

Ask me what I am interested in and I'll let you know.

I'd like to meet:

If I had the chance I would meet everyone in the whole world. But I don't have that kind of time.

That being said I would love to meet 10 Term Congressmen from Texas and Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. Dr. Paul is running for the nomination of the republican party for President of the United States of America. Unlike most other Republican candidates Ron Paul realizes that the war in Iraq was a mistake and that as he puts it "If we made the wrong diagnosis, we should change the treatment." Ron Paul is for a Non-interventionism foreign policy which is the admonition of the founding fathers when they said "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." This would save billions if not trillions of dollars overseas which would allow us to take care of the bills and debt here at home. Furthermore Ron Paul is for freedom and liberty to all people. He would veto the Patriot Act immeadiately upon taking office. He believes in taking the heavy hand of government out of peoples lives by letting them make their own decisions. He believes that government should be as little as possible as he would get rid of huge bureaucracies such as the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education, Internal Revenue Service and More!! All this cut in spending would allow for major cuts in taxes which would allow you to keep your own money and spend it where you like as Ron Paul would cut the Income Tax immeadiately. Ron Paul is the champion of the constitution and the leading candidate for peace, prosperity and freedom. Please do not let your possible vote go to waste when you could fix the country with it.If you want to learn more please visit the site of Ron Paul at http://www.ronpaul2008.com/

I would also love to meet the entire ducks and kings roster.

Cory Perry Trash Talks Pavel.


I am not huge into music but I like anything that moves me. From Alternative rock to musicals I love it all.


Tyler's Top 5 of every genre coming again soon to a myspace near you.


I am not much of a TV watcher as I prefer movies over TV and prefer hanging out with friends over movies. With that being said here are some of my favorite things to watch:

24 - By far my favorite show on television. Jack Bauer is such a B.A. When life hands Jack Bauer lemons he uses them to kill terrorists. Jack Bauer hates lemonade.
Sports - I love watching sports highlights and insight mostly such as sportcenter, best damn sports show period, around the horn and other's like that. i also watch basketball and football from time to time.
Poker - Anything poker especially the world series of poker.


My Favorite Books:
Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow and Shadow of the Heggemon by Orson Scott Card
Harry Potter 1-6 by J.K. Rowling
Da Vinci Code
Magical Year of Thinking
Atlas Shrugged


Yes I am one how can I be of service.

My Blog


Broken Hopes and Shattered Dreams Difficult to see past all you lying,I trudge on, yes I keep trying.You mock and mimic me all the while,Forgive and forget so still I smile. You always go and leave me...
Posted by Tyler on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 03:26:00 PST

More About Me!!

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?Closed. That monster will get me if i leave it open.2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?No, that is stealing. What's th...
Posted by Tyler on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 11:44:00 PST