Non-Psychos: I'm psycho enough. THANKS.Non-Pickey Eaters: Hey, my Mama is so flip she eats parts of the fish you don't even wanna know about and my dad is from the South. fyi... pickiness is not a virtue. There are enough picky eaters in the world... including some of my friends. Sorry guys, but it's true!Goofy People: Where are all of the people who have absolutely no fear of embarassment??? I admire that and I want to know how to be like that! Smart People: More than anything else, I would really like to meet people who have wisdom in life, love, and self-discovery. I want to meet people who have struggled and persevered through life's tribulations rather than be broken down and destroyed... CHARACTERS OF INSPIRATION, NOT DESPERATION. I have no close relatives other than my father so I always look forward to meeting people who will share their life's experiences with me and help me learn from them. I love hearing people's happy memories and stories of their childhoods especially with their siblings since I have none. I would also love to meet people who have experienced the world in ways that I have yet to even imagined. I want them tell me all about things, places, and people to which I am entirely naive.Original Personalities: NO MORE FOLLOWERS! Seriously, we all rub off on our friends and vice versa but I just don't understand how anyone can think that they know anything about themself if their personality is entirely comprised of elements of other people's personalities that they have plagiarized on a whim. Making friends with a follower is like making friends with the same people you already know except that they are not genuine. What a waste of time!On a final note, if you do that whole Quickstar thing, stay away...