dont even try......u know u cant handle this profile picture

dont even try......u know u cant handle this

About Me

i'm me Images by
..*NaMe*.. lanesha martin
..*eYe CoLoR*.. dark brown
..*hAiR CoLoR*.. black
..*hEiGhT*.. 5"9
..*BeSt pHySiCaL fEaTuRe*..
..*BeSt FriEnDs*..
..*FaVoRiTe SeAsOn*.. spring
..*ThOuGhTs FiRsT WaKiNg Up*.. need to brush teeth
..*MoSt MiSsEd MeMoRy*.. my cousin
..*gOaLs 4 ThiS YeAr*..
..*WaT dO u WaNnA b WeN u GeT oLdEr*.. something in medical carear
..*HoBBiEs*.. swimming
HoW mAnY...
..*pEiRciNgS dO u HaVe?*.. 2
..*CdS dO u OwN?*.. 7
..*PaiRs Of ShOeS dO u HaVe?*.. 7
..*BoYfRiEnDs HaVe U hAd?*.. 1
..*iCe CrEaM fLaVoR*.. CHOCOLATE
..*CoLoR*.. blue
..*AniMaL*.. dog
..*SoNg*.. all i do-B5
..*SoDa*.. sprite
..*FoOd*.. chicken
..*HoLiDaY*.. b-day
..*SuBjEcT iN sKoOL*.. lunch
..*FaSt FoOd pLaCe*..
..*cLoThiNg BrAnD*.. baby phat
..*sHoEs BrAnD*..
PiCk OnE...
..*CaPpiCciNo -Or- FrApPiCciNo*.. cappiccino
..*ChOcOLaTe -Or- VaNiLLa*.. CHOCOLATE
..*SiNgLe -Or- GrOuP dAtEs*.. single
..*RiGhTy -Or- LeFtY*.. righty
..*iNNy -Or- OuTTy*.. outty
..*sWeEt -Or- SoUr*.. sour
..*NaUgHtY -Or- NiCe*.. both
..*DaY -Or- NiGhT*.. night
Do U...
..*ThiNk YoUr AtTrAcTiVe*.. maybe
..*HaVe A BeSt FrEnD*.. no
..*HaVe A cRuSh On SuMoNe*.. no
..*ThiNk SuMoNe HaS a CrUsH oN u*.. yes
..*HaVe A cElL*.. YEA
..*HaVe A mYsPaCe*.. duh
..*SmOkE*.. no
..*DriNk*.. no
..*SiNg*.. a little
..*GeT aLoNg WiTh YoUr PaReNtS*.. sometimes
..*HaVe A bEdTiMe*.. no
RaNdOm QuEsTiOnS...
..*EvEr BeEn ArReStEd?*.. no
..*EvEr BrOkEn ThE LaW?*.. no
..*EvEr BrOkEn A hEaRt?*.. yes
..*EvEr HaD YoUr HeArT bRoKeN?*.. no
..*EvEr BeEn iN yes
..*HoW dO u WaNnA DiE?*.. peacefully
..*HoW mAnY KiDs Do U wAnT?*.. 2
..*HoO r YoUr BeSt FrEnDs?*..
..*WoRsT gRaDe On YoUr RePoRt CaRd*.. c
..*R u iN Ne SpOrTs?*.. yes
..*ArE u PoPuLaR?*.. no
..*ShOe SiZe*.. 9
..*MoSt PriZeD pOsSeSsiOn*..
..*PeOpLe SaY tHaT yOur...*.. tall
..*GoT nE pEtS?*.. no
..*iF u CoULd Go BaK iN TiMe, WhErE wUd U gO?*..
..*GoT nE BrOtHeRs Or SiStErS?*.. yes
..*FaVoRiTe StOrE*..
..*BeSt DaY oF ThE YeAr?*.. my b-day
..*FaVoRiTe ViDeO GaMe*..
..*WaT cElL fOnE cOmPaNy R u WiTh?*.. nextel
..*ArE u TiReD oF TaKiNg ThiS sUrVeY?*.. no
..*Do U wRiTe WiTh A pEn Or PeNciL?*.. both
..*FaVoRiTe Cd*.. b5
..*Do U LiKe WaTcHiNg sPoRtS?*.. no
..*EvEr DaTeD a JoCk?*.. no
..*Do U pLaY aN iNsTrUmEnT?*.. no
..*Do U wAnT cHiLdReN?*.. yes
..*iF sO, hOw MaNy?*.. 2
..*Do U sHoWeR dAiLy?*.. of course
..*Do U gO 2 ChUrCh?*.. sometimes
..*BaD bOyS -oR- ChUrCh BoYs?*.. bad boys
..*WaTs 2 2?*..
..*R u DoNe WiTh ThiS SuRvEy?*.. yes
You Have A Type B Personality
B You're as laid back as they come... Your baseline mood is calm and level headed Creativity and philosophy tend to be your forteLike a natural sedative, you have a soothing effect on people Friends and family often turn to you first with their problems You have the personality to be a spiritual or psychological guru Do You Have a Type A Personality?
Take the quiz: "Which kiss are you? (pics)"

your the perfect kiss
Your kiss is perfection. Simple as that.

Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!

Your Icons by xnoxlovextodayx
Your Animal Icon
Your Love Icon
Your Character Icon
Your Sexy Icon
Your Random Icon
Your Music Icon
Your Angry Icon
Your Sad Icon
Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a fione brotha

adopt your own virtual pet!
L Little
A Awesome
N Neglected
E Elitist
S Special
H Healthy
A Ambivalent
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Your Icecream Flavour is...
Choc-Chip Cookie Dough! You are fancy shmancy! You have all the bells and whistles and you attract the most gluttonous of ice-cream shop patrons. You are fattening and intensely rich. That being said, you are very tasty and have a huge fanbase! good for you! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz

Your Rising Sign is Capricorn
Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity.You have a tough exterior, and you can be intimidating when you want to be.Hard working and ambitious, you can survive in the most cut throat work enviroments.Outside of work, you are a true friend to everyone in your small inner circle.You may have had a difficult time earlier in life.Capricorns are late bloomers and you may be coming into your own right now. What is Your Rising Sign?Take the quiz: "ur b5 luver"

you are laid back ,and very nice and kool to talk 2 thats y carnell would love to have u as his gurl
Your Vibe Is Somewhat Sexy
On a good day, you're the sexiest woman in the world
But on a bad day, you can't help but feel a little average
Try to remember the times you've felt the sexiest...
And keep that attitude even on the worst of days How Sexy Is Your Vibe?
You Are a Sensitive Kisser
For you, kissing is a way to connect

And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy

It may take you a while to kiss someone...

But when you do, it's total fireworks What's Your Kissing Style?

My Blog

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