World news, world travel, linguistics, Internet research, cultural events, music gigs, yoga, and dance-dance-dance!
Interesting people with various interests and passions. I'm interested in what you have to say; I am unlikely to add you if I never met you, or you simply think that you are so hot, or you have half-naked people on your front page. Artist pages are welcome. Also, I'm not interested in dating offers.
Love house, deep house, soulful house, any kind of house... Also I like some electronica, love disco (especially not-so-popular tunes), classic R&B, and funk. I never liked rock, and I don't care for conventionally borring bands. NO HIP-HOP PLEASE!
Idiocrasy, Napoleon Dynamite
King of the Hill - brilliant, I like Globe Trekker series, documentaries, and other educational channels. In general, I don't spend much time watching TV.
"The Production of Desire" Richard Lichtman
Dale Gribble