Thanks for stopping by my page! My name is Meshia, and I am a fun crazy person to be around! I am a singer and songwriter of the gospel duo DIVINE PURPOSE. I LOVE music, all kinds especially old school... and gospel of course! (Smile)In addition to singing and songwriting, I write poetry, short stories, and inspirational readings. I am 27 years old and I am really enjoying my life! I am an all around business woman.I am a Motivational Speaker, an AVON Representative and I recently started a retail company called MESHIAMART (www.meshiamart.com)which offers everything from beauty to home and garden.I am looking to meet postive people for networking and friendships. If there is anything else you would like to know,or if you are interested in any of these business oppurtunities, please send me a message,and I will get back to you. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR MY BOOKS, I HOPE TO RELEASE THE FIRST ONE IN THE SPRING of 2009! Remember "Follow your dreams at all cost. There is nothing worse than daydreaming about what you could've been."DREAM-PLAN-BE" Be Inspired, Be Empowered, Be Blessed!! Thanks for stopping by! ********FOR BOOKING INFORMATION EMAIL [email protected]******