I jumped into music in my early years. As a baby I was crying a lot and practicing my “vocal†abilities. After that I started to play accordion. In the beginning I was quite enthusiastic, but later couldn’t find myself in polka music. As a 14 year old kid I started a Rap “career†with my school mates, but it didn’t last long. As a eighteen years old rebel I bought drums and started with a lot of pleasure to disturb the peace for my parents and neighbourhood by playing them. Well, it was worth it, ’cause I’ve been successfully playing drums in my rock & roll band Cry Baby (www.bandcrybaby.com) for about 4 years now. My second love is double bass, which I bought three years ago and I’m still trying to do sth. good with it.
Beside my musical activities I study political science and at the moment I am writing my bachelor's degree.