TLC baby profile picture

TLC baby

Can you believe another kid????HELP

About Me

I am 32 years old, the mother of four, three girls and one boy , I am recently married as of July 09, 2005. I have married my soulmate. For now. LOL.... Myspace Graphics
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Vin Diesel, Batista, Christian Bale, Sandra Bullock, Jared Paledicki, My grandfather on my mom's side.

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Pretty much anything from Country to Heavy Metal. Pretty much you name it and i like it. But it is obvious by looking at my profile. There is one man for me(beside my husband lol) Mr Jon Bon Jovi.


Saw I & II, The grudge, unfinished life, just friends, 40 year old virgin, RENT, Ferris Bueller's Day Off (classic), Sixteen Candles(another classic), Knocked up, Hilarious movie, 27 dresses

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i am obsessed with the OC baby. OOOOOOOOOOOO Ryan, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer, Amazing Race, Raw, Smackdown, TNA, NUmbers, close to home, Cold Case, Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and as of lately become addicted to watching Charmed.


I love Murder mystery books. and of course the new Harry Potter book. I highly recommend the series, to anyone


My Mother