My Blog
blah. blah. blah.
When things happen in life, I've come to a conclusion that they all happen at approximately the same time. Almost always. Whenever things are going normal, and nothing of interest is going on, I ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:24:00 GMT
taking pictures of the President (serious blog)
So, yesterday the President of the United States was here. Here, in Idaho. And I was asked by the Arbiter to go take pictures of the event. We called the White House to get clearance, faxed them away ...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:52:00 GMT
First Richae blog....ever...
So, here we are....I've never done a blog before in my life, and in fact, I've never even read one before. I pretty much always thought that blogs were nerds, or so...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Jul 2005 17:41:00 GMT