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Javi-to, joven empresario barcelonés, nace el 13 de mayo de 1980. Gracias a su carácter dinámico y emprendedor empieza a trabajar a la temprana edad de 15 años en el mundo de la noche barcelonesa como promotor en diversas discotecas que estan en auge en esa época ( "Barçalles", "Ibiza Xperience","B20", "Disco ocho"...). Rapidamente empieza a destacar en su ámbito laboral y esto le permite empezar a dirigir su propio grupo de promotores introduciendose de la mano de la mítica Ana en el grupo "Sito..s Dance Floor" en locales tan emblematicos como "New York City","Chikita", "Lokotron", "Sal Bcn", "7º cielo"... Deja su trabajo como promotor y pasa a ser Relaciones Públicas de dos de estos locales "Chikita", "Lokotron" pero sus aspiraciones empiezan a crecer y entra a trabajar en el grupo Fritz donde se encarga de todo lo que conlleva una discoteca : publicidad, contratacion de DJ..S, animacion... incluso empieza a crear sus propias fiestas temáticas.
Pero es a la edad de 25 años cuando ve cumplido su sueño de montar su propio grupo de discotecas y el 15 de octubre de 2005 nace "The Colors of Sound Group", con las sesiones de domingo tarde de "225 Sundays Sessions" y de sabado noche " Picasso". Pero la afluencia masiva y el acercamiento a un público que se encuentra en ese momento "saturado" de locales nocturnos llega con "The Colors of Sound"(sabados noche) y "La Mansion" (domingos noche) que gracias a una cuidada estética, un cartel de lujo en cuanto a DJ..S y unas fiestas temáticas aderezadas con una animacion espectacular consigue cumplir las expectactivas esperadas por Javi-to : " que la gente se divierta y viva una sesion única".
Javi-to, young person Barcelonian industralist, are born the 13 of May of 1980. Thanks to their dynamic and enterprising character begin to work to the early age of 15 years in the at night Barcelonian world like promoter in diverse discotecas that estan in height at that time ("Barçalles", "Ibiza Xperience", "B20", "Disc eight"...). Quickly it begins to emphasize in his labor scope and this allows to begin to direct to its own group of promoters introducing itself of the hand of the mythical Ana in the group "Sito..s Dance Flower him" in the as emblematicos premises as "New York City", "Chikita", "Lokotron", "Salt Bcn", "7º sky"... It leaves his work as promotional and it happens to be Public Relations of two of these premises "Chikita", "Lokotron" but its aspirations begins to grow and enters to work in the group Fritz where it is in charge of everything what a discoteca entails: publicity, hiring of DJ..S, animation... even begin to create its own thematic celebrations.
But it is at the age of 25 years when it sees fulfilled his dream to mount his own group of discotecas and the 15 of October of 2005 of Sound Group is born "The Colors", with the sessions of Sunday takes of "225 Sundays Sessions" and sabado night "Picasso". But the massive affluence and the approach to a public who is "saturated then" of the nocturnal premises arrive with "The Colors of Sound"(sabados night) and "the Mansion" (Sundays night) that thanks to aesthetic taking care of, a poster of luxury as far as DJ..S and decorated thematic celebrations with a spectacular animation are able to fulfill the expectactivas waited for by Javi-to: "that people amuse and live a unique session".

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Member Since: 7/31/2007
Band Website: thecolorsofsound.com
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Influences:found this guys layout at HOT: FreeLayouts.com
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None