skldfjsldkfjgfd profile picture


i want a penis made of three machine guns

About Me

united states air force, operations intel. it rules

My Interests

United States Air Force, Music (mainly i'm into the tech/electro house wave thats going on), running, exercising

I'd like to meet:

George Bush, most of the djs/producers I listed below,'s ninja, various stand up comedians, the inventor of BigRed(tm), Edward Norton, Val Kilmer so i could tell him he should have stopped making movies after The Saint


Sasha, Digweed, Desyn Masiello, Sander Kleinenberg, James Holden, Matt Dekay, Hernan Cantanneo, Gui Boratto, Stephan Bodzin, Deadmau5, Trentemoller, Phonique, pretty much every decent minimal/tech/electro house dj/producer. IF YOU HAVE SWEET SHIT SEND ME A LINK PLEASE


This profile was edited with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.4


I don't watch television all that much because most of it is there simply to program unwary, uneducated, gullible civilians


Grimace, Mr. Compulsive Myspace Profile Checker Outer, Mr. Fancy Coffee Shop Coffee Pourer, Mr. Bumper Sticker Writer, Mr. Chinese Food Delivery Guy, Mr. Footlong Hot Dog Inventor, Mr. Really Bad Toupee Wearer, Mr. Giant Foam Finger Maker, Mr. Underwear Inspector No. 12, Mr. Over The Top Carb Counter, Mr. Dishonest Cable TV Hooker Upper, Mr. In The Car Nose Picker, Mr. Movie Theater Ticket Ripper Upper, Mr. Push-Up Bra Inventor, Mr. Way Too Much Cologne Wearer, Mr. Next Day Carpet Installer, Mr. Furniture Assembly Manual Writer, Mr. Really Stinky Breath Breather Outer, Mr. Really, Really, Really Bad Dancer, Mr. Cruise Ship Entertainer, Mr. Over Zealous Foul Ball Catcher, Mr. Ceremonial First Pitch Thrower Outer, Mr. 80 SPF Sunblock Wearer, Mr. Backyard Bug Zapper Inventor, Mr. Jean Shorts Inventor (Jorts), Mr. Paranoid of the Ocean Guy, Mr. Backyard Bug Zapper Inventor, Mr. Gasoline Barbeque Starter, Mr. Losing Locker Room Reporter, Mr. Parking Attendent Flashlight Waiver, Mr. Footlong Hotdog Inventor, Mr. Wrecking Ball Operator, Mr. Pro Wrestling Wardrobe Designer, Mr. Tiny Dog Clothing Manufacturer, Mr. Silent Killer Gas Passer, Mr. Supermarket Free Sample Guy, Mr. Handlebar Mustache Wearer, Mr. Boombox Carrying Rollerskater, Mr. Centerfold Retoucher.