- shane - [hE d0esn't evEn kn0w i Exist] profile picture

- shane - [hE d0esn't evEn kn0w i Exist]

About Me

- im a born adventUrer and im n0t afraid 2 puSh bEyond mY lm8s..i uSually pig out and Watch c0mEdiEs..
- im a pretty open pers0n...and i can keEp secrets...i h8 wen pp0l r fake n0t 0nly 2 dmselves but alx0 2 da pp0l arnd dem...
..i l0vE 2 tAlk 2 AnY0nE...
..i love to have morE friEnds..
..im simple...hehe...(cHar!!)
..i xmiLe..

..i cRy..

..i tAlk..

..i Walk..

..i tRips..

..i jUmp..

..i rUn..

..i lAuGh..

..im xtUpid anD iM n0t.. :p

My Interests

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My Blog

MovinG thOughts

 maybe God  want us to meet a few wrOng people b4 mEeting the right One sO that when we finally meet the right persOn, we will knOw how grateful for the gift. When the dOor of happ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:13:00 GMT