The world. Nothing more, nothing less.
.. No particulars.
Just push play.
Batman Begins, Super Troopers, Tombstone, Caddy Shack, Sin City, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks 2, and Beerfest.
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbet Report, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Scrubs, The Simpsons, Family Guy,Celebrity Deathmatch, Daria, and Law & Order.
Alice in Wonderland, Farenheit 451, 1984, Animal Farm, Of Mice and Men, America: The Book, I hope They Serve Beer in Hell, Saytricon USA, Finding Darwin's God, Grant and Sherman: the Friendship that Won the Civil War, Have a Nice Day: the Mick Foley Story, The Hutt Gambit, The Dark Knight Returns, Slaughterhouse Five, Freedom Writers Diary, The Prince, Dante's Inferno, If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Star, How to Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way, and assorted Hemmingway and Poe short stories (and Poe's poetry).
It is not in my nature to single people out for special consideration for fear of leaving someone out and hurting their feelngs. There have been several teachers along the way, some of my fellow classmates and co-workers, as well as family members who never gave up on my despite valid reasons to do so that have made me who I am today. Some famous role models are Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, George Patton, Edward Murrow, Bob Kane + Bill Finger, Malcolm X, Muhammed Ali, Bill Clinton (pre-08 craziness), and, of course Barack Obama.