About Me: La Quinta Madlita means the damned fift, it's the street I grew up on in my hometown of Mexico. Called the Damned because we had a drug don in the early 80s who lived there. Back then the Mexico Dons heald their own, no cartels, no mafias, and this one had a sense of honor, respect, and family but was shot dead by a cop at point blank range in the Summer of 86. R.I.P. Hugo el Perro.
Here's my favorite quote: Master Poe: As far a possible, without surrender. Be on good terms with all.
KwaiChangCain: Yet the flower beneath the water knows not the sun. Other men, not knowing me will find me hard to understand.
Master Poe: Accept the ways of others. Respect first, your own.KF.
What ancient warrior are you?
You are a ninja. Your a master of espionage and silent killing. You like the shadows, travel light, and usually work alone.
What Mythological Animal is Your Protector?
What Celtic Diety are you? Arawen
(Welsh)He was the King of the Underworld. His name means means silver-tongued. King of Hell, God of Annwn. Arawn, like most Otherworld Gods, was a master hunter who rode a pale horse and rode with a pack of white hounds with red ears. The archetypal purpose of the hunt was to gather souls for the Otherworld if the quarry was not smart enough to evade the chase. Arawn possessed a magickal cauldron of regeneration, later captured by King Arthur. He bestowed on Pwyll the title Penn Annwn for his assistance and loyalty in time of need.
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