Hi my name is John Paul Sutton.
I am a medium.
As a medium I am able to communicate with Angels, Guides, Past Loved ones, Lost Souls etc.
I work as a medium doing readings etc.
Some of the ways in which I work as a medium is:-
1: Wax art readings
I get people to choose five colours and then I will do a wax painting with an iron. From this painting I will give you a reading of your life journey.
For more details go to my Webb page http://www.johnswaxart.com
2: Readings
I am able to channell and give readings.
3: Past Life readings
I am able to connect to your energy and provide you with an accurate account of your past lives.
4: Spiritual Counselling
I am able to provide councelling for those people who are struggling.
5: Spirit Guide Drawing Workshops
Learn to draw your own spirit guides. I will take you through a process that will amaze you as to the results you will get.
6: Energy Healing
I am an energy healer.
7: Energy Clearing
I am able to clear lower vibrational energies so as to make you inviroment better.
These are only a few of the things I am able to do as a medium, for more information please go to my webb page to see further details.