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My friends out for some fun....
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Myrtle Beach!
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Italian Trashcan...
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Halloween '06
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Anything I can shake my ass to
I love a good chick-flick, but also enjoy action movies. I will watch ANYTHING with Brad Pitt in it over and over again!
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Love Grey's Anatomy! Desperate Housewives, and Lost. Every night I fall asleep to HGTV.
I'd rather watch the moviea href=http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnRvb2xraXR0ZW4 ub3Jn targe
My hubby Marc! When I was 15 he saved me from a world of hurt and confusion, and he's been by my side ever since! 17 years later I am still happier than ever and not sure where I'd be without him!