I like Heineken Beer,Oatmeal raisin cookies, cooking ,BBQ ,falling asleep during bad movies , the smell of new shoes, wearing flip flops, open bars, the beach, cheese food joints, yard sales, my sisters, my friends, my parents 97% of the time,my co-worker @ the hard rock , politics,playing or watching sports, office gossip,respecting man law, long drives, old movies, new movies, getting popcorn at the movies, Scuba diving, classy bars,swimming,a/c, musicals,night life ,art, Mets games, Knicks games,Giants games, dark humor, light humor,the 80's ,making people laugh , I don't like bud lite,little dog, slow walkers, close talkers, waking up to a bad sun burn, sitting in traffic, rude children, the rude adults they become, crowded bars, paying cover,onions,reality t.v. , people who take themselves too seriously, people who don't take anything seriously, working too much, not working at all...
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