sUkfEn profile picture


pure rhapsody

About Me

[black] roaches, fags, cigars, smoke, pills and those fugly looking creatures. [white] candies, pearls, rainbow, gloss, balm, open sea, the sunset, pinkyellowlilacwhiteorangeblackblueredcopperbronzesilvergold greenpeach,lingerie,accessos,heels,pumps,lace,yoghurt,sorbet ,snowflakes,berries,envyscent,fur,him,girlfriends,efam,paris ,quilts,earlgrey,muffins,scones,balloons,poshndine and so the list continues :)and of cos i complete the everygirls' hobby, retail therapy.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the one who brought all men together.


simplelife,desperate housewives,sex&ecity and how can i forget the ultimate season of friends :)

My Blog


iM dAmn STreSSed Up wIf All tHe eXmz..tInk im jUz aBouT tO dIe..aHHhhhhhh
Posted by sUkfEn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST