What is Club Knowledge?
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2004 Bay Area Hiphop Summit
Laney Club Knowledge was founded in 2002 by Emil Dupont and Meisha Hillard in order to "raise the consciousness of the community." The group decided to call the group "Club Knowledge," due to the negative stigma surrounding so-called, "Black Student Unions" and to promote OVERstanding.Malcolm X Conference
In 2003 Club Knowledge held the first, "Malcolm X Consciousness Conference." The event was well-organized and engaged students and community members as well. The group continued to grow stronger with the addition of Danae Martinez, Chaka Smith, Curtis "Boze" Riley and others.In 2004 Club Knowledge held the 2nd Annual Malcolm X Conference at Laney College. The event featured many notable speakers and artists and programs such as the "Children of Malcolm Awards," and the "Malcolm X Oratorical Competition."
In Fall 2004, in coordination with the Bay Area Local Organizing Committee (BayLOC) to hold the Bay Area Hiphop Summitt.
In February 2005, Club Knowledge worked the Peralta District to bring Dr. Cornel West to Laney College. The event, at Henry J. Kaiser, was well attended and continued to bring notoriety, as well as inspire other student organizations.
In May 2005, Laney Club Knowledge, in conjunction with the College of Alameda Black Student Union, BayLOC, and Colored Ink presented the 3rd Annual Malcolm X Consciousness Conference. The event featured keynote speakers Chuck D, Fred Hampton, Jr., "Cousin" Jeff Johnson, and Yo-Yo.
Following the successful MX3, Club Knowledge was to host a summit of California's African/Black student organizations, but due to core members transfering and inactivity in existing statewide organizations, the event has yet to take place. The absence of core members caused the group to decline and in Spring 2006, there was no Malcolm X Conference.
In the Summer of 2006, Reginald "Reggie General" James and Sophia "Black Widow" attended a Merritt College study abroad trip to Jamaica with former core Club Knowledge members and discussed the idea of resurrecting the club.In the Fall of 2006, Club Knowledge has recharted and is currently active at Laney College. The mission of the organization is the same, but some of the methods have changed.
The club focuses on organizing and promoting cultural, political, social, economic empowerment, health conscious, and spiritual events, programs and activities through education.
Current Activities
Club Knowledge has hosted a Dance Contest on the Quad, an Open Mic, and is planning a Pre-Kwanzaa event for pregnant teens. The club is also planning a dominos tournament for students.
With the end of the semester rapidly approaching, Club Knowledge is looking to rebuild its membership and positively effect Laney and train its members to go back into the community as agents of change.