You Must Remember This... profile picture

You Must Remember This...

A kiss is still a kiss...A sigh is just a sigh...

About Me

What's to say? I'm a 5'5 brunette with brown eyes. YEA *Yawn*! I have one sibling, Shelly, whom also has a my space.....uhhh we get along really well. Just graduated from Thomas Jefferson Highschool....very happy to be out...I attend University of Pheonix..For most of you who dont know i changed my major from meteorolgy to Psychology. I attend classes at the FEMA facility to lern about emergancy management. Weather is still a passion...but not a career.I am now a group leader! :-) I've played piano for 10 years and I enjoy the atmosphere of the theater..I do like to Act...But I like musicals better...I like singing and dancing...But I'm a Stage crew person at heart... OH YEA! If anyone doesnt know i went to Disneyland with my most favoritest person....Tyler....who in some crazy twist of fate thought on day it was OK to bring something like going to Disneyland up to me in the first place...HA! Like I wouldn't take that seriously!!!! :-) Man i love that guy!!!!:-D BTW for those who dont know...i moved out...and got an Italian Greyhound named Dixie :-D The most important part of my life is the part that is within me. My desires to help people in need and hope for a smile every day. I think you are put on this earth for a reason. And my reason is to battle through everything in my life to come out on the end smiling and full of life. Travel and help people and do some good in the world. ***Three things have been difficult to tame: the oceans, fools and women. We may soon be able to tame the oceans; fools and women will take a little longer. <
You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerous
People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You? I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 >
About Me- The survey (New bitches)
Name Stephanie Lynn Peterson
Age 19
Height 5'5
Weight 119
Hair color Brown
Skin Color White
Gender Female
Build Perfect ;)
Birth Day May 6, 1988
Do you Know me?
Favorite Song Free Fallen by Tom Petty
Favorite Food Spaghetti
Favorite Day May 6
Favorite Holiday Thanksgiving
Favorite Sport Baseball
Favorite TV Show Deal or No Deal (Thanks Tyler!)
Favorite Drink Chocolate Milkshake
Favorite Color Purple
Favorite Movie Twister
Favorite Music Country
Odds or evens? Evens
Day or Night? Night
Left handed or Right? Right
Sober or not Sober? Sober
Burger King or McDonalds? Lets just say no...
Diving or Walking ? Walking
KFC or Boston Market? Ummm can I say eww to both?
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Bread or butter? Bread
Coffe or tea? Tea
Single dates or Group dates? Single dates
Birth Place Denver Colorado
Where you live now Same Place
Where have you lived Only Here
Whats your Heritage Norwiegn and Portuguese
Do you have Parents Ummm Stupid Question..Yes
Together or Divorced Together
Religon Lutheren
Random Quesctions
Your Weakness in general...cuz i cant lift a
Your Fears Death
Your perfect Burger Cheese, Mayo, Lettuce, Katsup, and a good piece of beef (with a bun) lol
your perfect Pasta Pasta is Perfect
Your perfect pizza Pineapple and ham....maybe watermelon if i could get away with it!
Goals for end of School year Summer Do good things for other people and their families...i want to help people...teach the kids something new everyday.
Most over used Phrase "Laugh out Loud"
First Thoughts when you wake up DIXIE get off my head!!!
Your best Physical feature I've heard many....mainly my eyes and butt....
What is your bed time Whenever...usually around 11 or so.
The longest you ever stayed up ummm 6:30am and counting....
Your most missed memory Talking with my Grandpa
Your favorite place Rhode Island...Charlestown Beach...or Disneyland...:-D
Do you Smoke NO!
Do you Dance Always
Do you Sing I Try
Do you Skate Yes
Do you Drink Occasionally
Do you Party Occasionally
Do you Drive Yes
Do you eat No....i don't
Do you Shower
Do you want to go to college Yes
Do you want to get married Yes
Do you want to have **** *** **** * *** lol depends
Do you believe in yourself you bet.
Do you get motion sickness never
Do you like hiking Yes
Do you like the beach YES!!!!!
Do you get along with your parents Yes
Do you like thunder Storms/rain OMG yes!
Do you play and instrument Yes ~Piano
What school do you go to? University of Northern Colorado
What is your favorite Season SUMMER!!!!!
Ever gotten/given head (hehehe) lol Wow....
Ever had sex? Yes
Have you ever drank alcohol Yes....
Have you ever smoked Cigeretts Yuck..No!
Have you ever smoked weed No!
Any other crazy drugs? NO!
Ever done more then making out? Yes
Ever been in love? Yes
Single or in a relation ship at the moment? In a relationship
Ever been beaten up No
Have you ever been called a tease? Yes
How do you want to die? In some kinda of natural disaster!
You Are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. Are You Right or Left Brained?I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Lots Of things...its more of a question what doesnt interest me. I believe Horace Walpole said it best. "The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well."
Your Elf Name Is...
Fuzzy Tinsel Toes What's Your Elf Name?
You Belong in Amsterdam
A little old fashioned, a little modern - you're the best of both worlds. And so is Amsterdam.
Whether you want to be a squatter graffiti artist or a great novelist, Amsterdam has all that you want in Europe (in one small city). What European City Do You Belong In?
You Are Chocolate Ice Cream
Dramatic. Powerful. Flirty. What
.... .. ..

I'd like to meet:

People....Fun People!
Your Hawaiian Name is:
Leilani Alani What's your Hawaiian Name?
You Are Miss Piggy
A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift! The Muppet Personality Test


I love all kinds, Country, Jazz, Pop, Rap,Classical Metal..ica lol...but no opera..or yodeling kinds of Music..uhh ewww
You Are Aphrodite!
A total shining star with a ton of admirers
And no wonder: you live life to the fullest!
When things get bad, you can easily take off to a happier place
But occasionally, you need to deal with problems head on What Goddess Are You?


OK VERY MUCH A HUG FAN OF HUMPHREY CASABLANCA! TEE HEE (hence the title of my My Space.) If you dont already know the name and such is part of a song called "as time goes by". :-) I'm a fan of kid movies...Ice Age, Finding Nemo and Monster I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...."Everything in this room is eatable....even i am eatable...but that is called canabelism my dear children and is in fact frowned upon in most societies." I love horror flicks..but like the good The Birds, Psycho, The Shinning...Etc Those arnt like "horror" they are just great movies made by great guyz! Oh yea..something else....Pirates!
Your Pirate Name Is...
Cannibal Jenny of the High Seas What's Your Pirate Name?


Uhhhhhhhh I love the Discovery Channel and History Channel...NERD!!!!! (also because of my satellite......THE SCIENCE CHANNEL!)
Star Wars Horoscope for Taurus
You are a dependable creature, but you do tend to be stubborn.
You like material possessions and love to win at games.
You hate being bossed around or losing.
You may succumb to your physical strength when upset.

Star wars character you are most like: Chewbacca What Is Your Star Wars Horoscope?
You Are Boston
Both modern and old school, you never forget your roots.
Well educated and a little snobby, you demand the best.
And quite frankly, you think you are the best.

Famous people from the Boston area: Conan O'Brien, Ben Affleck, New Kids on the Block What American City Are You?


Out of the closet...HARRY POTTER FAN! lol hee hee i also like uhhhhhhhhh those cool science books and all kinds of Doctor Suess and pop-up books! I just finished Kite Runner and A Thousand Splended Suns which are both Great books! Also read a History of Love by Nicole Krauss...What a wonderfull book. Anyone looking for a book to that. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson is a long, but well written book. Hands to Guide Me by Denzel Washington, is a eye opener Children Playing Before the Statue of Hercules has been started but is already a good book. I'm a huge fan of Nick Sparks, Thomas Pynchon, Bill Bryson, Stephen Hawkin's, Anne Rice and other Novelists, Science or History writers....:-)


Superman..OF COURSE!!! lol *cough* dad, who has always been my superman and my hero. I will forever look up to him as my insperation in life. :-) He is the best dad ever!
Create your own Friend Test here Stephanie --

Tastes like fried chicken

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
Your Monster Profile
Cruel Midget

You Feast On: Olives

You Lurk Around In: Sewers

You Especially Like to Torment: Crybabies What's Your Monster Name?