** Lu ** profile picture

** Lu **

You wanna take me to a kung fu movie?","...Three kung fu movies!

About Me

hello, this is my space
myspace is annoying but so damn addictive & if you’re reading this you’re here too so don’t judge
i live in manchester. i’m not from here but i’ve met some amazing people & it’s become home…for now
i love music & gigs more than most things, nuff said i think
i never have been and never will be 'cool' but i can handle that...can you...?
i'm a typical scorpio and have every scorpio trait, both good and bad...you have been warned...!
i hate pretentious, fake, judgmental people. i hate the 'scene' - whatever 'scene'.(it has ruined the best people i ever knew)
when i grow up i want to be a zombie or a fairy- eithers fine, both’s better
i’m a total romantic & this is my weakness!
i’m not perfect, nowhere near, but i’m beginning to realise no-one is
er...that's enough crap myspace waffle...*cringe*...
lu likes…
her cd collection, her friends, sparkly things, her wonderful boyfriend, lucid dreaming in the morning, kissing, stars, getting lost and discovering new places, pink, her slight obsession with tokyo, piercings, boys with piercings, the adrenaline rush just after an amazing gig, eyeliner, brighton, fashion and designing when she can be motivated, exploring london, angel delight, art and visiting galleries, romance, songs that bring back memories happy and sad, ny cheesecake, pin-up girls, burlesque, the sea, feeling loved, tim burton, film, glitter, her insanity sometimes…
lu dislikes…
scenesters who look down on others, arrogance, when people abuse her trust, cruelty for no reason, how the world is so screwed, slow people at cash points, missing people she loves, canada geese, red onion, her insanity sometimes…

My Blog

....The minefields of life (stolen)

I have stolen this poem from my friend Si (check him out on my top friends to read more of his stuff) His poems are usually cool but this one especially spoke to me, so with his permission I am steali...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:01:00 GMT


This year was supposed to be better... I'm not sure it has been. Maybe because i've spent a lot of it being a wreckhead, which has been fun but i've been lazy and havn't got my shit together. I'm so c...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 16:56:00 GMT

...oops, I did it again...

&in the words of Britney.   Why do these guys get so offended when I don't trust them immediately and then as soon as I let my guard down totally screw me over? Why do I go for guys who would d...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 03:26:00 GMT

...a bit of hope and positive-ness with a dash of the mental...

A little story that possibly makes me look a bit weird but I'm writing about it as a reminder of my hopeful-self when my mopey-self tries to emerge. So basically yesterday I was having a bit of a shi...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:57:00 GMT

...Pablo Neruda...

Amazing poet and beautiful words. One of my favs below because I'm in one of those moods and it says it all... Tonight I can write the saddest lines.Write, for example, 'The night is starryand the sta...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:07:00 GMT

...I seem to have seriously neglected the traditional New Years reflection...

&well I had it at Christmas but then stuff happened and it kind of got pushed to the back of my mind somewhere. So I guess now I'm going to actually have a proper think so that I don't get to the end ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 07:07:00 GMT

...to my friends...

Ok, this blog is to all of my friends who have been there for me through my recent 'stuff'. This past month I've had a lot going on and things have really got on top of me but I have d...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 18:46:00 GMT

..don't be too harsh- I know it's not great...

&thought you could mend the unmendable   but you were wrong couldn't see she was never that strong no emotions show through arrogant pride didn't give it a chance, never even tried patronising wo...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:48:00 GMT

...just words...

slip into oblivion far away from here numb my mind forever more now the path is clear eternal sleep my only wish escape from this vanish .... 
Posted by on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 02:46:00 GMT

Another reason I hate Myspace

Myspace is cool it means you can get in contact with old mates, keep in touch with current ones without spending loads on texting, meet complete strangers, show the entire world your likes and dislike...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:20:00 GMT