hello, this is my space
myspace is annoying but so damn addictive & if you’re reading this you’re here too so don’t judge
i live in manchester. i’m not from here but i’ve met some amazing people & it’s become home…for now
i love music & gigs more than most things, nuff said i think
i never have been and never will be 'cool' but i can handle that...can you...?
i'm a typical scorpio and have every scorpio trait, both good and bad...you have been warned...!
i hate pretentious, fake, judgmental people. i hate the 'scene' - whatever 'scene'.(it has ruined the best people i ever knew)
when i grow up i want to be a zombie or a fairy- eithers fine, both’s better
i’m a total romantic & this is my weakness!
i’m not perfect, nowhere near, but i’m beginning to realise no-one is
er...that's enough crap myspace waffle...*cringe*...
lu likes…
her cd collection, her friends, sparkly things, her wonderful boyfriend, lucid dreaming in the morning, kissing, stars, getting lost and discovering new places, pink, her slight obsession with tokyo, piercings, boys with piercings, the adrenaline rush just after an amazing gig, eyeliner, brighton, fashion and designing when she can be motivated, exploring london, angel delight, art and visiting galleries, romance, songs that bring back memories happy and sad, ny cheesecake, pin-up girls, burlesque, the sea, feeling loved, tim burton, film, glitter, her insanity sometimes…
lu dislikes…
scenesters who look down on others, arrogance, when people abuse her trust, cruelty for no reason, how the world is so screwed, slow people at cash points, missing people she loves, canada geese, red onion, her insanity sometimes…