Ben profile picture


Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop - Dr Zoidberg

About Me

From looking at my interests and favourites, anyone even myself would call myself a Geek, Nerd or Freak but aside my interests and hobbies i would say i'm pretty okie except my friends tell me i'm a borderline psychotic.. i make silly noises and say silly things.. go ahead ask anyone who knows me..LoL!

My Interests

Computers, Video Gaming, PC Gaming, Comic Collecting, Magic Arts, Anime, Manga & DVD collecting

I'd like to meet:

People Who Share Common Interests As Me Or Basically just People who at least have a SOUL!!


ZZ Top, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Dusty Springfield, Burt Barcharach & Foo Fighters


Matrix Trilogy, Star Wars Trilogy, Back To The Future Trilogy, LOTR Trilogy, Spider-Man, X-Men 1 & 2, Top Gun, T2, 2 Days in The Valley & Kill Bill


The Far Side - Gary Larson, Crayon ShinChan - Yoshito Usui & Marvel Comics