I love Gangster Arte, and listening to Music and Dancing a lot porque I can hang for a chubby girl LOL! porque I'm like the Energizer Bunny I keep on Going, I love kickin with my Homeboys from my Neighborhood! Don't get me wrong I also go to work todo el tiempo! I play but I like getting Paid!! LMAO!!
I would like to meet some Down Ass Firme Camaradas from different Varrios! From All Over, and honestly tiempo is passing and I don't want to end up alone! Because I have a lot of love to give, and I was raised with my Jefita and with my Homeboys! Very Old School! Hopefully I can meet a lot of firme jente! BECAUSE I KEEP IT REAL!
I like the 80's music like Stevie B, Old School, Rap, Cumbias, Reaggeton, Oldies but Goodies, and I especially love Cholo Gangster Music! Mr. Lil One, Once in a Decade! It's the Shit.
My Favorite Movies are Horror Movies, one of my favorite movies is The Exorcist. I like movies that still get you scared, no matter how old you are. I'm Old School too I like Ramance Movies, Funny Movies, not stupid ones, and Action Movies too. ME ENCANTAN LAS GANGSTER MOVIES COMO BLVD NIGHTS~ BLOOD IN BLOOD OUT~ AMERICAN ME!!
I really don't watch a lot of TV Because I work Graveyard, and whatever time I do have! I kick it with my Homeboys.
I really don't like reading! Only if I have to learn a Subject towards school or other important matters.
Mi Jefita, and a lot of people that surround me, some jente from my family, and friends, basically ifluence my choices in life.