This new chapter in my life brings so many feelings. Most of all happiness in knowing I made the right decision to come back to Australia. As far as wanting to meet some one hmmm well so far life has shown me that if you go out looking you will never find who you are looking for. I think I am ready, no infact I know i am ready for that next step. I am sick of being single or doing the i am kinda seeing someone thing.When I am looking for a girl to date I am normally very open minded I prefer girls that are a few inches shorter than me that are slim/slender/athletic but most of all proportionate not anorexic. I like longer hairbut as long as it suits them then all ok. They have to have common scene I cant stand ditsy air headed people. Most of all they have to have some of the same querks as me...And i have a few. I am an extremely layed back person that loves the simple things in life and would like the same in a relationships. As far as in the bedroom goes hmmmm I have to say I have a little bit of a dark side in that not many people would expect from me but that will all come in good time. (D/s lifestyle if you know then you know)