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MySpace Comments
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MySpace CodesOur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

My Interests

Ma Basketball Life by rosalia123456
Whats ur basketball name?: Dustin
Whats ur jersey number?: 3
What position do you play?: shootin guard
Right hand or Left hand shot?: right
Most rebounds?: 4
Most steals?: 3
Most used move in a Game?: i dont really know
Three point shot or a Mid-Range Jumpshot?: three point shot
When did u first start playing the game?: since i was 4
Most shots ever in a game?: 10
Dunk or layup?: dunk
Whoz da best player on ur team?: were all good
Most hustles u had?: idk
Iverson or Bryant?: Bryant
Jordan or Carter?: jordan
Lebron or Wade?: WADE
Wat do u do b4 every game?: pray
Who do u look up to?: MJ
Favourite WNBA team?: dont really watch that
Favourite NBA team?: boston celtics
Favourite WNBA player?: dont really watch that
Favourite NBA player?: kobe bryant
Who put the ball in your hands?: i just wanted to play i put it there myself
Any special Shirt or Headband you wear while playing?: no
Why do u play the game?: cause i love it
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Basketball by bobjon
What team do u play for?: hunter
What positon do u play?: S.G.
What's ur favorite practice drill?: 3 point shoot around
What's ur best shot?: 3 duh
Favorite NBA team?: celtics
Favorite NCAA team?: tennessee
Favorite high school team?: oak hill
Which One
Durant or Oden?: durant
Kobe or Wade?: wade
Iverson or Nash?: iverson
O'neal or Dirk?: o'neal
UK or UT?: ut
Memphis or UNC?: unc
Kansas or Ucla?: kansas
Magic Johnson or Larry Bird?: magic johnson
Dr. J or M.J.?: m.j.
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Huge Basketball Survery by tighcruz87
whO iS yOuR faV. NBA pLaYer?: ray allen
wHo iS yoUr fAv. WNBA pLaYeR?: idk
wHo iS YouR faV. mAle CoLLeGe BasKetBall pLaYeR?: cris lofton
whO is yOur faV. fEmaLe CollEge BasKetbaLL plAyeR?: candace
whO is yoUr faV. mAle HigH sChOOL bAsKeTbaLL plAyeR?: parker
WHo is YoUr faV. fEmaLe HiGh sChOOL baSkeTbaLL plAyeR?: idk
wHaT aRe YouR faV. tEaM cOlOrs?: orange and white
wHaT shOes dO yOu RocK fOr BasKeTbaLL gaMes?: addidas
wHat sOng maKes u hYpe dUrIng BasKetbaLL gaMes?: lamb of god
dO u thInK prAtiCes arE neCeSSary??: yes
gaToraDe oR poWeraDe: gatorade
LebRoN oR CarMeLo: lebron
wAde oR IveRsOn: wade
eAsT oR WesT: east
BeN oR sHaQ: ben
GaRneTT oR DunCaN: garnett
Pat RiLey Or LaRRy BrOwN: pat riley
ChaRleS BaRklEy Or PaTrIcK EwInG: charles
MaGiC JohNsOn oR LaRrY BirD: magic
IvErsOn's oR jOrDaN's: jordans
DuKe oR NorTh CaRoLinA: unc
tRaCy Or KoBe: tracy
Old sChoOL oR NeW sChOOL: old school
Dr. j oR M.j.: m.j.
hEaDbaNd oR nO hEAdbaNd: no
lOnG sOcKs oR sHorT sOckS: short
LsU Or TeXaS: texas
LaKeRs oR cLiPPeRs: lakers
DaLLaS or sAn AntOnIO: dallas
cLevELaNd oR DenVer: denver
J.J. RedIcK oR AdAm MoRRisOn: adam
MiaMi oR HoUsTon: houston
UCoNN oR fLoRidA: florida
wILt ChamBerlaiN oR KaRReM AbduL-JaBBer: wilt
DetrOit oR NeW JerSey: detroit
KanSas Or kEntUcKy: kentucky
NacHos oR ChiLLi FriTos: chili fritos
AcC Or BiG eaSt: acc
LeSiLe oR SwOopEs: lesile
sEC Or BiG 12: sec
wHats uR faV. nUmBer?: 3
wHats uR bAskeTbaLL niCknaMe?: dont have 1
wHat NBA teAm oR WNBA teAm wHo U waNt tO bE oN?: celtics
wHaT cOlleGe dO u wAnt tO plAy fOr?: ut
dO u gEt sHoeS thAt maTcHEs yOur uNifoRm?: yea
HoW lOnG hAve U beEn plAyinG baSkeTbaLL?: i was 4
CaN u DunK?: no
CaN u sHooT?: yes
CaN u DriBBle?: alright
cAn U rEbouNd?: yea
wHo iS yOur InSpiRatIon?: wade
WhAt plaYer aRe U mOsT liKe?: larry bird
hOw maNy sTate ChAmPiOnsHips dO u haVe?: 0
wHicH oLd sChOoL plaYer dO u plaY liKe?: m.j.
DoeS uR teAm sUck?: na
wHo dO u tHinK is thE grEateSt pLayEr tHat eVer plaYed in tHe NBA?: m.j.
WhO dO u tHinK jumPs tHe hiGheSt iN tHe NBA?: lebron james
haVe u evEr beEn iNjUred?: in baseball
ArE U a GuaRd, fOrwaRd, oR CenTer?: guard
dO u LoVe bAskEtbaLL?: yea
SuE BiRd or TaMikA CaTchIngs: sue bird
PicK anD rOll or GiVe aNd gO: give n go
dUnK oR lAyUp: dunk
pAss oR sHooT: shoot
NorTh caRoliNa or NorTh CaRoliNA sTaTE: nc
cHriS PaUl oR sTevE NaSh: steve nash
tInY oR ZeKe: zeke
bAroN dAvIs oR cHauNcEy biLLuPs: billups
oRlaNdO Or HouSton: houston
ViNcE cArter oR pAuL PieRcE: paul pierce
sOnicS oR BuCks: sonics
cOOkies Or mILk: cookies
tRicKy Or sMOothe: smoothe
fIngErOLL Or SlAm JaM: slam jam
mId-rAnGe Or BeYoNd tHe ArC: beyond
M.j. Or LeBrOn: m.j.
eLtOn bRaNd Or AmaRe sToUdAmIrE: stoudamire
iVeRsOn oR nAsH: iverson
AnD 1 Or OLd sChOoL: and 1
SeiMonE AgUsTus or AlaNa BeArD: seimone
MaRyLanD Or BaYlOr: maryland
OfF tHe GlaSS oR aLL nEt: all net
sHawN mAriOn oR TaYsHaUn pRinCe: prince
BeN's fRo Or Dr.J's fRo: dr.j
dUnK cOntEsT oR tHree-pOiNt cOntEst: 3 point
pOweRadE Or waTer: water
geOrgE MikeN oR yAo MinG: yao
HaRleM GlObeTrOtteRs or OaK HiLL AcaDeMy higH sChOoL: oak hill
UcLa or GeOrGia: georgia
WiLkiNs oR cArTer: carter
wHo is YouR fAv. mAle StrEEt bAll plAyeR?: perffeser
wHo iS yOur FaV. fEmaLe StrEEtbAll pLayEr?: idk
wHat iS yOur fAv. cOlleGe tEam?: ut
wHat iS yOur fAV. NBA tEam?: celtics
wHaT iS YouR faV. WNBA teAm?: sparks
wHo iS thE bEsT pOinT gUarD EVER!?: iverson
wHo iS thE bEsT sHooTiNg gUarD EVER!?: glen rice
wHo iS thE bEsT sMaLL fOrwARd EVER!?: idk
wHo iS thE bEsT pOwEr fOrwArd EVER!?: k.g.
wHo iS thE bEsT cEntEr EVER!?: o'neil
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all my heroes are,jona,mook,luke,lucas canter,lucas thomas,billy and danny bales,corey,derrik,jacquelyn collins,and chealse woods