Little fish. Sharks. Ineffability. Avocadoes. The option to finally be able to live somewhere that is not here. Going anywhere that is not here. Bunny Killers. Going to med school in ten years. Bad puns made by old drunk Irishmen. Being in water. Frescoes. Very very very old buildings. The Vatican. Illuminated manuscripts. Remembering to drink enough water. The possibility of grad school in Hawaii.
The guy(s?) who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. The CEO of Planned Parenthood. Someone who can get me onto the Farrallones. Also, a mermaid.
[Insert reputable hip hop] [insert reputable rapper] [Insert bad retro eighties and nineties] [insert still hip punk] [insert classical to represent my diversity of taste] [Insert tragically hip hardcore and metal] [Insert bands you've never heard of so I can impress you with my knowledge of unknown obscure scene bullshit]. I swear I'm not jaded.
Several years back I had terrible insomnia, and the only way I found to put myself to sleep was to watch Jaws from the point where they all get on the boat to go catch the shark.
This one time, I got really sick and went over to Cynthia's cuz she got cable. I watched VH1 for more hours than I am willing to admit. I was kind of ready to die by the end of the day... I have also developed a deep and undying venomous grudge against CSI.
Have you ever met a bananna that could read?
katie ravnik. Dr. Paul Farmer.