Mike profile picture


Mike & Rosa

About Me

hey whats up everyone well my name is mike and i just graduated from west covina high school. i am in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful girl named Rosa we have been together for 4 years and its been great we are very much in love and plan to spend the rest of our lives together.i love my girlfriend soooo much i love spending time with her i love being with her i just simply love her she makes me happy every day. i love u babe.i work at finishline. well if there is anything u want to know just ask me and ill tell u talk to u guys later. great I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

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I'd like to meet:

Already met the girl of my dreams


Tupac, NB Ridaz, Bone Thugz n' Harmony, 50 Cent...


Me and My Brothers


~*HoLa Mi AmOr, It'S mE rOsA! dAnG bAbE, wE'rE sEnIoRs NoW! i StIlL rEmEmBeR wHeN wE WeRe In 8Th GrAdE iN mS. gArCiA's ClAsS tAlKiN', fLiRtIn', N' sItTiN' nExT tO eAcH oThEr... N' nOw We'Re SeNiOrS! tImE wEnT bY sO... fReAkIn' FaSt! BuT tHe BeSt ThInG iS tHaT wE r StIlL tOgEtHeR! wE r GoNnA bE tOgEtHeR fOrEvEr N' eVeR! i LoVe YoU sO... fReAkIn' MuCh BaBe! HoPeFuLlY wE hAvE sO... mUcH fUn ThIs YeAr, BcUz AfTeR aLl It'S oUr SeNiOr YeAr!!! WeLl I hAvE tO gO bAbE, bUt BeFoRe I gO i WaNnA lEt YoU kNoW tHaT i LoVe YoU sO... mUcH n' I aLwAyZ wIlL! dOn'T eVeR fOrGeT tHaT! bYe ByE mI aMoR! i LoVe YoU! lOvE aLwAyZ, yOuR ONE AnD ONLY... ~*Rosa*~